Gerontology information resources: Home

News, sources & services for researchers in the Department of Gerontology, the Gerontology Research Centre and beyond.

Contact info

If you need help, please contact Nina SmartLiaison Librarian, at 778.782.5043 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) (Monday to Thursday) at Belzberg Library. See also Ask a librarian if Nina is not available or if you have a general question.


Highlighted resources for Gerontology

The major social gerontology database See: An Introduction to the Ageline database

The major psychology database

CINAHL Complete
Nursing and allied health

See also the  "Finding gerontology articles in the SFU catalogue" video for a quick overview. At the 3:40 mark is Advanced catalogue searching

Services for Gerontology students

Research assistance for the Gerontology is centred at Belzberg Library at SFU Vancouver's Harbour Centre.

SFU Libraries provides extensive services for undergraduate students. Check out the SFU Library Student Learning Commons to learn about  upcoming workshops, and writing and other services.

SFU Libraries provides extensive services for graduate students. Check out the SFU Library Research Commons to learn about  upcoming workshopswriting services, and more.

Help with course assignments

Below are course assignment guides for Gerontology courses taught in current and previous semesters; guides for the current semester are marked in green, but you can also check the Gerontology department's current offerings,  SFU Current Calendar Course Descriptions Search  or  the Class Search. See also SFU's Standard Grade System.

NOTE: Course guides are usually created for class instruction and are updated for a new session; some information might therefore be might be dated. 

Topic pages:

Course pages:

100 level

300 level

400 level

  • GERO 401 Environment and Aging 
  • GERO 403 Counselling with Older Adults
  • GERO 404 Health and Illness in Later Life
  • GERO 406 Death and Dying
  • GERO 407 Nutrition and Aging 
  • GERO 408  Families and Aging (Distance)
  • GERO 409 Mental Health & Aging
  • GERO 410 Special Topics I
  • GERO 411 Special Topics (Fall 2024: Social Isolation and Loneliness)
  • GERO 412 Special Topics 
  • GERO 413 Sexuality and Aging (Distance)
  • GERO 420 Sociology of Aging 
  • GERO 450 Evaluation of Health Programs for Older Adults

800 level


  • GERO 802 Development and Evaluation of Health Promotion Programs for the Elderly
  • GERO 803 Analytical Techniques for Gerontology Research
  • GERO 804 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in Gerontology
  • GERO 806 Interdisciplinary Theories in Gerontology
  • GERO 810 Community-Based Housing
  • GERO 811  Institutional Living Environments
  • GERO 820 Principles and Practices of Health Promotion
  • GERO 822 Families, Communities and Health
  • GERO 823 Mental Health and Illness in Later Life
  • GERO 830 Technology and Aging
  • GERO 840 Health Care Issues for Minority Older Adults

Courses on aging outside of Gerontology

  • EDUC 351 Teaching the Older Adult
  • BPK 105 Human Structure & Function
  • BPK 461  Physiological Aspects of Aging
  • PSYC 357 Adulthood and Aging
  • SA 319 Culture, Ethnicity and Aging

Terminology for Gerontology searches

Terminology to consider for finding material for Gerontology for either Keyword or Subject searching. Remember to use the truncation symbol, the asterisk (*), to find various endings of a particular word, and quotation marks ("") for phrase searching:

  • (seniors OR elderly OR "older persons" OR "older adults" OR gerontolog* OR geriatr* OR aging)
  • To limit your search to Canada, add geographic terms, e.g. : (canad* OR bc OR british columb*)
  • Truncation does not work in Google/Google Scholar, so you need to type out variants e.g.: gerontology or gerontological
  • You do not need to use this search string in the Ageline database as listed above in Highlighted Resources, as it is all about older people

New Gerontology books