Feedback & suggestions

Suggestions, comments, questions

Send us your suggestions, comments, and questions about the SFU Libraries, and a manager or librarian will reply to you as soon as possible. (We read submissions Monday - Friday. If you send us a message on the weekend, we will see it on the next business day.) 

Check out what others have to say on Piping Up: SFU Library Feedback.

Other ways to reach us

 Contact information:  Phone numbers,   Email addresses, and key staff contacts

 Research help: Ask a librarian

 Recommend additions to our collection: Suggest a title for purchase

 Locations: What is the address of the library?

Which library?
May we post your comment, question or suggestion to the Library's feedback blog?
Your name and any identifying information will be removed before posting. The SFU Library reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity.

The information on this form is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468). It is related directly to and needed by the University for services provided by the SFU Library. The information will be used to administer feedback to the Library. If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information please contact Gwen Bird, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries, at 778-782-3265 or

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