For further assistance with your assignment, ask at the Reference Desk at Belzberg Library, 778.782.5043 or contact Nina Smart, Liaison Librarian for Gerontology at , .
This course examines the way aging is related to the experience of health, illness and wellness. The course recognizes the diversity of the aging experience in relation to health, looking at factors such gender, socio-economic status and ethnicity. [Note: for more information see the Course Outline -2015 - and Canvas page. and page in Canvas. If there are discrepancies between information listed on this page and that in Canvas or instructor handouts, please refer to the latter.]
Library sources for your short papers
Researching and writing an essay
- Start Your Research Here - SFU guide to researching and writing a term paper
- Do you already have a good article and want more? Try citation pearl-growing, as shown on this Youtube tutorial (using an EBSCO database)
Databases for finding journal articles:
- Ageline - the major index for social gerontology
- CINAHL Complete - nursing and allied health
- Medline - the major medical index
- PsycINFO - the psychology index, for finding the psychosocial factors of a disease
Non-article Databases:
- OECD iLibrary search on the term: Health Data to find international health statistics e.g. Health Statistics 2016
- CPS "evidence-based, reliable Canadian drug and therapeutic information"
Selected journals
- Health indicators (print and online)
- Health reports (print or online)
Books, film and e-resources on health
- Ageing and older adult mental health: Issues and implications for practice (online)
- Encyclopedia of gerontology (online)
- Gale encyclopedia of senior health (online)
- Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging (online)
- Health inequities in Canada: Intersectional frameworks and practices (online)
- Remaining light (DVD)
- Thinking about dementia : culture, loss, and the anthropology of senility (online)
Useful websites
- BC Health Coalition
- Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
- Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA)
- Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (UBC)
- Health Canada Publications for the Aging and Seniors section
- Health in Aging "to provide consumers and caregivers with up-to-date information on health and aging"
- Office of the Seniors Advocate (BC)
- Provincial Health Services Authority (BC)
- Ageing WHO
- Your Disease Risk including preventative tips
- See also: Health and health promotion - gerontology Special topics page
- See also: Canadian Health Care Policy - SFU Library page
Study and group work resources
From SFU's Student Learning Commons (SLC):
- Assignment Calculator - break down your writing assignments into a series of steps
- Group work
- Presentations