For further assistance with your assignment, ask at the Belzberg Library Reference Desk or contact Nina Smart, Liaison Librarian for Gerontology ( / ) at Belzberg Library or Ask a Librarian.
Course description
"The purpose of this course is to enable the student an opportunity to understand long term care’s role in the health care continuum, understand the history of long term care services and to explore the role this sector should play in the provision of services in an integrated health care delivery system. "
Lecture facilitation/lead
Basic elements of effective group work
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
How to lead a class discussion
Carleton University
Giving effective presentations
SFU Student Learning Commons
Course paper
The encyclopedia of elder care [online]
Major article on "Long-term care policy"
Handbook of geriatric care management [print]
Long-term care administration and management [online]
Managing geriatric health services [print] Chapter 1 "Administration within long term care"
Models and pathways for person-centered elder care [print]
Regulating long-term care quality : an international comparison [online and print]
Residential long-term care in Canada [online]
Search the SFU catalogue -- sample subject headings:
Sample keyword search: ("long term care" OR "elder care") AND (administ* OR manag*).
Note: Adding Canada or British Columbia in your search keywords will help you find more local resources.
Theses written by former students at the Department of Gerontology could also be useful. In particular, their list of references can provide other resources for you to look at. You can find theses in the library catalogue or in Summit. Examples:
- Assisted living in BC: effects of organizational factors on residents' satisfaction by S. Karmali
- Resident-centred care and the quality of life of long-term care facility residents by M. L. McWhirter
Start with these databases to find journal articles. Note: including geographic terms such Canada or British Columbia in your search keywords will help you find more local resources. For more information, see How to Find Journal Articles
Ageline - major database for social gerontology.
Sample Subject term: Long Term Care Administration
Biomedical Reference Collection
Sample Subject terms: Long-term care facilities AND Management
Canada Commons.
Canadian public policy documents from government and nonprofit organizations as well as think tanks
CINAHL Complete major database for nursing and allied health
Sample subject terms: Long Term Care AND Management
(EBSCO version) major medical database
Business Source Complete
major business administration database
Sample subject term: Long-term care facilities
Association webpages
British Columbia
Alzheimer Society of B.C.
including a Long Term Care section
Assisted Living Registrar of B.C. BC Health
BC Care Providers Association
"represents service providers in the seniors living and wellness sector", including long-term care
Home & Community Care BC Health
Canadian Association for Long Term Care
news and association links
Canadian Health Leadership Network
newsletters, studies and webinars
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
See their Residential Care section and Your Health System
"national voice of healthcare organizations across Canada"
Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC)
See also: Health Care Administration UBC Library guide