Requests for classroom film bookings
Most of the titles in the video collection are licensed for non-theatrical public performance use at Simon Fraser University and may be booked for classroom viewing by SFU faculty and instructors.
Film bookings should be placed at least two weeks in advance of the show date and we may be unable to fill requests made less than one week in advance. Requests for classroom film bookings may be done in one of two ways:
- Use the request form (preferred method)
- Send requests by email:
Burnaby campus
Films may be picked up from the Bennett Library Checkout Counter (Loans desk) or they can be sent to the CTA (Classroom Technology Assistance) office in either the AQ or WMX. If required, equipment can be booked by Media Booking staff.
Please include the time, date and location of your classroom showing when sending your booking information.
WAC Bennett course reserves
Requests for items to be put on reserve for your class in the WAC Bennett Library Reserves area can be sent to Bennett Reserves is located beside/behind the checkout desk on the third floor (main floor) of the Bennett Library.
Vancouver campus
For bookings at the SFU Vancouver campus, films will be delivered to the classroom with required equipment. If films are needed for preview, arrangements can be made for pick up at Belzberg Library -- please indicate this when booking. Instructors are responsible for returning items to Belzberg Library after use.
Belzberg course reserves
Reserves for classes at the SFU Vancouver campus are kept at Belzberg Library. To place a film on course reserve at Belzberg, please contact Reserves at the SFU Burnaby campus.
Surrey campus
At Surrey Campus, pick up videos and DVDs from the Fraser Library. Classrooms are equipped computers with DVD players.
Fraser course reserves
Reserves for classes at Surrey are held in the Surrey Library. Send requests to