GERO 830 Technology and Aging

For further assistance with your assignment, ask at the Belzberg Library Reference Desk or contact Nina Smart, Liaison Librarian for Gerontology (778.782.5043 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) / Monday to Thursday.


Summer 2022: being updated...

Course description

"We live in a technological world and technology has a huge impact on the lives of seniors. New technology and assistive devices are also playing an increasingly significant role in helping seniors to live independently. This course looks at technology from a gerontological perspective and particularly looks at the way information and communication technologies (ICTs) are transforming social and health care landscapes and exploring the ways these impact on the everyday lives of older people. The course is not about engineering and computer science, but about how advances in these fields impact on the independence, social participation and quality of life of older people." [older description]

Resources for assignments


Recommended books:

Handbook of human factors and ergonomics [online]
 Textbook that provides discussion on different issues in ergonomics; in particular, see Chapter 48: Design for Aging.

Technogenarians : studying health and illness through an ageing, science, and technology lens
This text investigates and discusses various issues related to older people and technology, provides insight into older individuals' experience as technology users.

Finding more books:

Search the SFU catalogue -- sample subject headings: (To search for books by subject heading, use the Browse Search option in the SFU Library Catalogue, then select Subject browse from the drop-down menu.)

  • Assistive computer technology
  • Barrier-free design
  • Communication devices for people with disabilities
  • Computers and people with disabilities
  • Gerontology -- Technological innovations
  • Older people -- Care -- Technological innovations
  • Self-help devices for people with disabilities
  • Technology and older people
  • Telecommunication in medicine
  • Universal design

To find articles:

Recommended databases:

database for social gerontology; Sample subject terms: Assistive Devices; Human Factors Engineering

Applied Science and Technology Index
database for scientific and technical publications on technology topics

CINAHL Complete (Nursing and allied health)
database for medical research publications.

You can also browse online SFU journals such as:

Useful Web pages and resources


Best Mobility Aids
(U.S.) Advice on "mobility scooters, rollators, walking frames, wheelchairs and home aids", for consumers

Better Living Through Technology 
"There are endless ways in which technology can help people with disabilities gain greater independent access to leisure, learning and employment"

UBC research group that provides information and resources for those who use wheelchairs; conducts research and projects in order to improve the mobility opportunities of older adults who use wheelchairs

ICOST (International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health)
browse previous conferences for themes and researchers

Tong Louie Living Lab (GRC)
local research lab that conducts various projects in order to "assist elderly, disabled persons and health care workers to perform assorted daily living and work activities safely and independently."

Technology publications
publication section for the Public Health Agency of Canada's Division on Aging and Seniors