Welcome! The SFU Library collection supports the research, teaching and learning needs of our students, faculty, and staff.
Faculty and students at SFU have access to over 3.1 million physical items and 10.2 million online items, including:
- 1,475,000 print books and more than 1.2 million ebooks
- 2,500 print and 98,000 ejournal subscriptions
- 500+ databases
- plus maps, data sets, slides, online images, films, DVDs and sound recordings.
Book selection and collection building are done primarily by the Liaison Librarians; coordination for the building of the collection is the responsibility of the Collections Management Division.
Guides to specific Library collections
Find and use the material in specific collections, including:
and other SFU Library collections.
Electronic collections (information for librarians, faculty, and researchers)
The SFU Library has a growing collection of non-journal electronic resources (ebooks, streaming video, music... etc.) available to current students, faculty and staff. For more information, see Electronic collection information for librarians and faculty.
Scholarly publishing & communication
We provide information for authors, editors, and librarians to support scholarly publishing activities.
The Library is active in supporting Open Access in a variety of ways. In January 2017, SFU Senate endorsed the Open Access Policy (OAP) acknowledging the commitment of SFU faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows to share the products of their SFU research with the broadest possible audience. The Library administers a Central Open Access Fund to cover Article Processing Charges for OA journals. The Library's Scholarly Digitization Fund's goal is to expose SFU research and scholarship to the University and broader community, leading to greater visibility and knowledge transfer of SFU scholarship and research output.
Learn more about the SFU Library's digitization initiatives and policies.
Cooperative and resource sharing partnerships
The SFU Library is a member of consortium that negotiate information resource licenses in order to provide the best terms and costs for their members. Learn more about these memberships and partnerships.
Collections management staff
Mar González Palacios, Associate Dean of Libraries, Collections & Content Strategy
Megan Crouch, Collections Librarian
Lorraine Kwan, Collections Management Assistant
Eiman Elnoshokaty, Electronic Resources Librarian
Liaison Librarians