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Course description
Instructor: Dr. Theresa Pauly
"This is a comprehensive course that delves into the diverse facets of sexuality in the context of aging from a multidisciplinary perspective. Through a combination of theoretical exploration, case studies, and interactive discussions, this course examines the challenges faced by older men and women regarding sexuality..." For more information see GERO 413's Canvas page. If there are discrepancies between information listed on this page and that in Canvas or instructor handouts, please refer to the latter.]
Assignments 2024:
Case Study - written case study report and a presentation in class
Two Critical Reflections Assignments
Assignment calculator time management tool to help you break down your writing assignments into a series of steps
Start your research here overview of the research process and tips for finding sources - although your suggested sources are right below!
Writing help online is available via WriteAway -submit a draft of your paper and "online tutors will provide strategies and resources to help you improve your writing". Turnaround time is currently four days.
Background information
Reference works such as encyclopedias are a great place to start to get an overview of a topic. Entries are written by experts in the field, and there is often a useful bibliography.
Global encyclopedia of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) history
Encyclopedia of Sexuality and Gender
Sage encyclopedia of LGBTQ studies
Articles/book chapter
“Don’t Be Trying to Box Folks In”: Older Women’s Sexuality article
Sex as Leisure in Later life: A Netnographic Approach article
Sexual Abuse of Elderly Victims Investigated by the Police: From Motives to Crime Characteristics article
Sexuality and Older Women: Desirability and Desire in Women and Aging
Case Study Report
QMUNITY's Stories of Older Queers
SFU collection of video interviews and still pictures
Elder abuse in the LGBTQ2SA+ community : the impact of homophobia and transphobia online and print
Ageing, popular culture and contemporary feminism : Harleys and hormones online
older women depicted in film and television
Literature review
To find articles, start with one of the following databases:
the major social gerontology database, and it is all about older people. You can start with this database for most term paper topics.
Samples searches: Sexual* AND (media or popular culture) AND (Stereotypes or Attitudes)
Sexual Behavior AND Patients AND attitudes
Health Promotion AND Sexuality
Sample subject terms: Sexual Abuse; Sexual Dysfunction
Communication & Mass Media Complete
covers journals in the fields of communication and mass media studies
Sample search: (aging or older) AND sex* AND (social media or mass media)
"literature in the field of psychology and psychological aspects of related disciplines"
Hint: You can also narrow the search by selecting Aged (65 yrs and older) in the Age Groups field of the "Refine search" section OR: narrow search with "Subject X" And (Aging OR Gerontology)
Sample subject terms: Sexuality; Erectile Dysfunction; Psychosexual Behavior; Sexual Function Disturbances
Sample search:
CINAHL Complete
Nursing and allied health, for medical topics
Sample terms: Attitude to Sexuality Aged; Aged, 80 and Over; Aging
Sample search: health promotion AND (sexuality OR sexual health) AND (aging OR old age)
Sociological Abstracts
Sample search: (Elderly or Aging or Ageism) AND Sexuality
Learning log & Outlines
For more information, see the following:
- Keeping a learning log BBC's Key Skills
- Creating an Outline - Douglas College Learning Commons
Useful sites
Aging and Human Sexuality Resource Guide
American Psychological Association. Bibliography and links to organizations
Dr. Sharron Hinchcliff
(University of Sheffield) Ageing, sexual and reproductive health, well-being, and gender
Senior Sex: Tips for Older Men
Mayo Clinic
Sexuality and Older Adults
Centre for Sexuality (Calgary)