GERO 820 Principles and Practices of Health Promotion

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NOTE Summer 2023: Under construction for Fall 2023

Instructor: TBA

"This course is designed to cover and critically examine concepts, models, theories, and practices of health promotion specific to aging populations.  It will cover the origins and development of health promotion, population health and health education theories and  frameworks, current approaches to health promotion, and applications targeting specific groups of older adults.  Students will gain an understanding of the major issues surrounding health promotion and health education at the level of the individual, social  network, institution, community, and public policy."  [Note: for further information see the course outline, when it is available]

Term paper


Recommended texts:

Health behavior and health education: theory, research, and practice [print]
Guidebook that discusses the foundations of health behaviour as well as different models, combines theory, research, and practice to provide a comprehensive overview on health behaviour and education.

Health promotion in Canada: critical perspectives on practice  [print]
This text is a "comprehensive profile of the history and future of health promotion in Canada," focusing on the issues and concepts most crucial to the Canadian context.

Measuring health: a guide to rating scales and questionnaires [print and online
Provides information and reviews of different health measurement instruments.

Catalogue Searching:

Use the SFU catalogue to find books.

Sample Subject heading: Older People Health And Hygiene
Sample Keyword search: health promotion AND (aged OR older people)

Online journal databases

To find journal articles and government reports, use the following databases:

the major social gerontology database

Canada Commons
Canadian public policy documents from government and nonprofit organizations as well as think tanks

Canadian Research Index
Canadian government publications (Sample terms: Health promotion; Public health)

See also: How to Find Journal Articles and how to find peer-reviewed Journals



Health promotion for older adults

Paradigm shifts in the health arena

Predictors of Healthy Aging

  • Active Ageing: A Policy Framework - WHO publication that proposes questions and discussion on issues related to aging for policy makers
  • Aging and Seniors - online portal for publications of the Division of Aging and Seniors of the Public Health Agency of Canada

Other useful web sites and books

  • Ageing- website for United Nations Division for Social Policy and Development providing information on current issues as well as resources
  • Health Promotion - Health Canada webpage providing links on topics of health promotion
  • Seniors - Health Canada webpage providing information and resources on senior health
  • Shape the Future of Health Care - information about the Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada: The Romanow Commission