On this page
For general guidance, help, or tips on doing your assignments, the guide Start Your Research Here gives an overview of the research process and includes ideas about where to look for information.
To find books, search the SFU Library Catalogue. If you're new to searching our online catalogue, visit our Library Catalogue Search Guide
Sample subject headings in Gerontology: (To search for books by subject heading, use the Browse Search option in the SFU Library Catalogue, then select Subject browse from the drop-down menu.)
- Aging -- Psychological Aspects
- Alzheimers disease
- Gerontology
- Health promotion
- Older people -- Abuse of
- Older people -- Care -- Technological innovations
- Older people -- Housing
- Social work with older people
New books for Gerontology are listed and updated weekly on the Gerontology new books page.
Electronic books and media
In ouer catalogue you can Refine results by Availability category: Online resources, and then also by Resource type by Book, etc.
You can also browse Gerontology Research Centre Publications from the SFU Library Institutional Repository, for full-text documents back to 1985.
Journal articles
Gerontology databases
To find journal articles, try these key databases in Gerontology:
- Ageline, the major social gerontology database -- See An Introduction to the Ageline database SFU Library guide
- PsycINFO, the major psychological database
- See also the full list of Gerontology Databases
The How to find journal articles guide provides an introduction to finding journal articles in the SFU Library.
Key journals for Gerontology (peer-reviewed )
- Ageing & society "human ageing and the circumstances of older people in their social and cultural contexts"
- Aging and mental health "investigates the relationship between the aging process and mental health"
- BMC geriatrics "research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people" open access
- Canadian journal on aging "focus on biology, health sciences, psychology, social sciences, and social policy "
- Clinical gerontologist "original research, reviews, and clinical comments relevant to the needs of behavioral health professionals "
- Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice "improving the quality of life and quality of care for people with dementia"
- Generations "research, practical applications... each issue features several articles on a single topic"
- Geriatric nursing "healthcare journal covering the specialty of geriatric
- Gerontologist "multidisciplinary perspective on human aging"
- Journal of aging and physical activity "examining the dynamic relationship between physical activity and the aging process"
- Journal of aging & social policy "examines the important policy issues that affect the elderly in societies throughout the world"
- Journal of aging studies scholarly papers on "aging experience [in] the social and behavioral sciences"
- Journal of gerontological nursing "publishing clinically relevant original articles on the practice of gerontological nursing"
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society "research and information about common diseases and disorders of older adults"
- Journals of gerontology series A: biological sciences & medical sciences "articles on the biological and medical aspects of aging"
- Journals of gerontology series B: psychological sciences & social sciences "advance the psychological science of aging processes and aging issues" in social sciences
- Psychology and aging "adult development and aging"
- Research on aging "research in the field of social gerontology"
For more gerontology journals see Browzine's subject listings of Social Gerontology and Geriatrics and Gerontology titles.
For more information see:
- Moving from Citation to Article Find the full text of an article from an article citation
- Library Research Tutorials to hone your research skills