GERO 803 Analytical Techniques for Gerontology Research


This web page is intended to help you find information on quantitative data analysis. If you need help, please contact Nina Smart, Liaison Librarian, at 778.782.5043 (Monday to Thursday ) or . Additionally, assistance with microdata or R queries is available at

Course description

This course has been specifically designed to provide training in quantitative data analysis with a focus on behavioral research problems in gerontology.

Note: for more information see the GERO 803 course outline. If there are discrepancies between information listed on this page and that in Canvas or on instructor handouts, please refer to the latter.

Microdata and data resources

Open Access Datasets from Aging Studies (McMaster)

Publicly Available Databases for Aging-Related Secondary Analyses in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (NIH)

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research repository of social science research.  Can search by keyword, subject (see their Thesaurus) or variable.

For more datasets see SFU Library listing: Datasets
See also Statistics Canada's Data section 

See also Data & statistics information resources
SFU Library guide for finding and using data and statistics.

For data help at other times please contact Research Commons at

Databases for term paper

To find journal articles, start with:

Major social gerontology database.

Google Scholar
Use this SFU link as the access point for to get  SFU e-journal holdings

R and Statistics resources

UCLA's Institute for Digital Research and Education's page on R, some of which are limited to the UCLA community; have a look at Learning Modules, Class Notes: Introduction to R, and FAQ.

Sage Research Methods Online  (SRMO)
This useful resource includes the Little Green Book series for quantitative research as well as other books, book chapters and videos on research methods.  Sample chapter: "The Chi-Square Test"; sample video "What is a Regression Model?"; sample article "Advances in Age-Period-Cohort Analysis".

SFU's Research Commons also has a section on 'R' help and consultations 
Data and GIS questions: send a message to


Open source titles

SFU titles

An R Companion to Applied Regression [print or online - ordered]

Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models [print or online - ordered]

For more books on R see: R (Computer program language) -- Handbooks, manuals, etc

Dictionary of statistics [print or online]
Comprehensive dictionary which provides simple definitions on statistics.

Using Multivariate Statistics [print or online - ordered]
Guide focusing on the "most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques".

Elementary statistics [print] and Elementary statistics technology update [print]
One of the foremost statistics textbooks with updated guide for instruction in new statistical software.

Multivariate characteristic and correlation functions [print and online]
Covers the "basic concepts and results on multivariate characteristic and correlation functions easily accessible to both students and researchers in a comprehensive manner".