For further assistance with your assignment, ask at the Belzberg Library Reference Desk or contact Nina Smart, Liaison Librarian for Gerontology ( / ) at Belzberg Library or Ask a Librarian.
Instructor: Dr. Habib Chaudhury
Telephone: 778-782-5232
Course description:
"This course will examine qualitative methods in social science research with an emphasis on gerontology. We will begin with a discussion of the epistemological assumptions in qualitative methodology and comparative strengths/weaknesses of alternative approaches..."
Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO)
"designed to answer methods questions that arise during the various steps of the research process, including the literature search, review, research design, data collection, analysis, and write up". Contains Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Journal articles Video and some datasets. See For useful content see Methods Map → Qualitative Research or click on the Little Blue Books icon for works on qualitative research. Sample video: "Researching Relationships, Health & Aging Using Longitudinal Data Analysis"; sample book chapter: "Interviewing Older People"
SFU Gerontology theses and capstone projects and look under their Methodologies section
Proquest Dissertations and Theses Abstracts and Index Excellent resource for seeing how other grad students around the world did their research.
Finding Books
- Doing research in the real world [print] - a comprehensive and accessible overview for developing research projects from planning to writing-up your findings
- Fundamentals of social research [print] - Canadian textbook providing an introduction to research methods
- Handling qualitative data: a practical guide [print] - a thorough introductory text for qualitative research, providing detailed discussion for conducting, analyzing, and interpreting research
- NVivo 10 essentials: your guide to the world's most powerful data analysis software [print] - guidebook for using NVivo 10, software designed for qualitative research analysis
- The practice of qualitative research [print] "a mix of theoretical approaches for qualitative methods practice that ranges from the interpretive tradition to critical perspectives"
- Qualitative data analysis: a methods sourcebook [print] - authoritative text on qualitative research methods
- Qualitative data analysis from start to finish [print] - a guide to qualitative research that provides readers guidance throughout their study
Sample catalogue subject headings:
- Qualitative research
- Qualitative research -- Methodology
- Grounded theory
- Gerontology -- Research -- Methodology
- Social sciences -- Fieldwork
Finding journal articles
- Literature reviews for graduate students by SFU's Research Commons
- The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It University of Toronto
General database search tips:
- truncation, e.g. mobil*
- syntax: AND to narrow and OR to broaden search
- pearl-growing, or starting with a good article and finding more (see YouTube tutorial, which uses an EBSCO database)
- search the database Thesaurus to find useful subject headings
- research is generally not a straight line, but iterative searching
- More search tips in How to find journal articles
To find research articles, use the following databases:
Ageline Major article database for social gerontology
Find research articles: click on the Thesaurus link at the top of the page, then search: Research Techniques to find all the different types of research methods covered in Ageline Sample terms: Qualitative Research; Life History Research; Participant Observation; Research Diaries
CINAHL Complete Database for research articles related to the study of nursing and allied health.
Sample term: Qualitative Studies
Full list of Gerontology Databases
You can also browse the following journals to find articles:
- Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing
- International Journal of Qualitative Methods
- Qualitative sociology
Websites and other useful resources
- Ethics Review of Research Involving Human Subjects SFU university policy regarding research involving human subjects
- The function of field reports Guide published by the University of Wollongong that describes the purpose of field reports
- Writing Qualitative Research Proposals Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Bottorff of the UBC School of Nursing
- Research Commons
Offers assistance for graduate students and researchers. Home of NVivo, including one-on-one consultations, a wide range of writing services, and much more