Current Simon Fraser University students, faculty and staff can access most of the Library's online subscription resources from anywhere via an internet connection. When off campus, you will need to use SFU's MFA system and authenticate with your SFU Computing ID and password to get access to journal articles, databases, ebooks and other online resources.
Main search portals
Library Search: SFU Library's main search engine. Use it to find books, articles, journals, databases, media, course reserves, guides to research & learning, Library information, and help.
Library Catalogue: Use the SFU Library Catalogue online resources only search to find electronic books, articles, films, government documents, journals, newspapers, maps, and other media in the Library's collection. View the Library Catalogue Search guide for tips and tricks.
Other tools and links for easier access
If you are off campus and searching websites other than the library website (e.g. Google Scholar, PubMed or journal websites), what you're looking for may be behind paywalls.
Here are some tools for easier access to resources available through Library subscriptions:
LibKey Nomad: Install LibKey Nomad, a browser extension. LibKey Nomad connects you to SFU Library subscription and open access, full text articles. Choose Simon Fraser University as your institution. LibKey Nomad can provide alternative full-text options as well as a link to the library's inter-library loan form when full text is not available.
Google Scholar: Set up Google Scholar library links and button to access SFU Library licensed resources from within Google Scholar.
Endnote Click (formerly Kopernio): EndNote Click is a free browser extension that provides links to PDFs of scholarly journal articles. Get one click access to SFU Library subscription content from publisher websites, PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar and more. PDFs obtained through EndNote Click can be exported to EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero and other citation management software. Use EndNote Click if you are an EndNote user to import PDFs into your EndNote library.
SFU Library Off-Campus Bookmarklet: Use the Library's Off-Campus Bookmarklet to access SFU licensed online resources from most web browsers without coming in through the Library's website.