On this page
Cambridge handbook of age and ageing [online]
Classic, comprehensive guidebook that covers aging and gerontology topics primarily in the behavioural and social sciences, but also in the biological and medical sciences.
Handbook of aging and the social sciences [online]
Coverage on research related to the social aspects of aging, including "all the main areas of social science gerontological research in one volume"
Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging [online]
Includes "fresh perspectives and the latest scientific and clinical developments on the interaction of nutrition with age-associated disease and provides practical, evidence-based options to enhance this at-risk population's potential for optimal health and disease prevention"
Handbook of geriatric care management [print and online]
Textbook that provides detail and coverage of geriatric care management
Handbook of mental health and aging [online] Covers biomarkers, age-related structural changes in the brain, dementia, neuropsychology, psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, mood disorders, anxiety, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, and substance abuse.
Handbook of minority aging [online]
Textbook that focuses on "aging among diverse racial and ethnic populations in the United States."
Handbook of sociology of aging [online]
Authoritative guidebook that discusses the current sociological issues and trends related to aging.
Handbook of the biology of aging [online]
Textbook the provides information about basic aging processes and the medical physiology of aging
Handbook of the psychology of aging [online]
"Definitive reference source for information on the psychology of adult development and aging"
Handbook of the neuroscience of aging [online]
"Overview of topics related to neurobiological impairments which are related to the aging brain and nervous system"
Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology [online]
Textbook providing discussion on the aging population within the wider cultural framework of society
Sage Handbook of Social Gerontology [online and print]
International coverage of the "social, economic and cultural changes associated with individual ageing and the rapidly growing reality of the ageing of human populations."
Wiley-Blackwell handbook of adulthood and aging [print and online]
Overview and detailed discussion on topics related to the developmental psychology of the adult years
Statistics resources
Older adults and population aging
This Statistics Canada Subject page is devoted to statistics about Canadian senior citizens, covering topics such as care and social support, victimization, health, housing, income, work and retirement
A portrait of the population aged 85 and older in 2016 in Canada (Census in Brief, Statistics Canada)
Portrait of seniors in Canada [online] Statistics Canada (2006)
Dozens of charts covering demographics, housing, income, health, education and other characteristics
Fact book on aging in B.C. and Canada [online] (2019)
Statistical collection published by the Gerontology Research Centre at SFU
Data and Reports Canadian Institute for Health information (CIHI)
Dozens of resources on Dementia in Canada, Palliative and end-of-life care, Profiling Seniors in Continuing Care, as well as technical information
OECD iLibrary
International statistics in areas such as Elderly population by region, or Health Data or keywords such as: ageing or elderly
Report on Health and Aging in Canada Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)
Covers: Sociodemographics; Retirement; Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Social Engagement; Caregiving and Care Receiving; Health; Physical Function, Disability, and Psychological Health and Well-Being; Lifestyle and Behaviour; Transportation Mobility; Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) Aging
Seniors in the Lower Mainland: A snapshot of facts and trends
Locally published report that provides consolidation of "current key facts and trends about seniors in the Lower Mainland."
Older Population and Aging and Age and Sex publications
from the US Census Bureau
National bureau that collects data on U.S. citizens
See also statistical resources sections of specific Gerontology course guides