Citation & style guides


Most common citation guides: APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian

 Citation management tools can collect your references and automatically cite them for you.

What needs to be included in a citation?

​​​ For journal articles: What information do I need to cite a journal article?
How to identify and find the elements you need to cite an article, whether online or print. With examples.

 For webpages: What information do I need to cite a webpage?
How to identify and find the elements you need, including blog posts, reports, and other files. With examples.

 For books: What information do I need to cite a book?
How to identify and find the elements you need to cite a book, including print and ebooks. With examples.

Citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers 

APA and MLA style manuals do not include instructions for citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. 

However, for APA format you may use our APA guide, Citing Indigenous Elders & Knowledge Keepers, or NorQuest College's templates: APA style reference list and in-text citations

For MLA, you may use our MLA guide, Citing Indigenous Elders & Knowledge Keepers, or NorQuest College's templates: MLA style reference list and in-text citations.

Guides by faculty, department, resource type, and discipline


Business sources -- APA style for document types common to Business.


Citing a dataset or software

 Government documents and statistics

Government documents, Canadian -- APA style | MLA style | Chicago style

Citing guide for Statistics Canada, PCensus, & CHASS data

How to Cite Statistics Canada Products 
From Statistics Canada. A tool that describes how to build a reference when citing any type of Statistics Canada product.

How Do I Cite Government Publications? (McMaster University)

 Humanities and Social Sciences 


American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Note: As of Sept 2015, their guide has been discontinued and AAA recommends the use of Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date).


Editorial Policy, Information for Authors, and Style Guide for American Antiquity, Latin American Antiquity, and Advances in Archaeological Practice (2021) (Society for American Archaeology)


Canadian Journal of Communication
Guidelines for submissions to this journal, including citing.

Political science

APSA Style Manual for Political Science (2018) (American Political Science Association)


Style Guide/American Sociological Association [print]
Quick Tips for ASA Style/American Sociological Association


Finding and using online images: Citing

 Interdisciplinary and general (other)

Harvard style: A generic name for author-date style for citing and referencing, not affiliated with Harvard University. Some interpretations and guides:


Legal research materials  (Lederman Law Library, Queen's University. Examples of citations for Canadian legal research resources.)

 Life sciences


CSE (Council of Science Editors) style [print]

Health sciences

AMA Citation Style Guide (BCIT's guide to American Medical Association style)

AMA  Style (University of Waterloo's guide to American Medical Association style) 

Citing Medicine: The NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers. For more National Library of Medicine (NLM) style guides see:

Vancouver Style, like NLM style, uses Citing Medicine: The NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers 
(See also the University of Queensland Vancouver style guide)

 Maps and geospatial data

Citing geospatial data and maps 

 Science and Technology


American Chemical Society (ACS)


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 

  • IEEE Reference Guide (2023) (includes common abbreviations, periodical abbreviations, and list of publishers)
  • For spelling reference, use Webster's College Dictionary, 4th ed.
  • For grammar and usage not covered in the IEEE Editorial Style Manual, use The Chicago Manual of Style

Environmental Science

Council of Science Editors


American Physical Style (APS)
See also APS Journals

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