Does the Library loan out headphones?
Several pairs of headphones are available to borrow at all three SFU libraries.
Who can borrow headphones?
Currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and alumni can borrow headphones.
Where do I go to borrow headphones?
To borrow headphones at the Belzberg Library (SFU Vancouver) or Fraser Library (SFU Surrey), simply ask at the Loans/Checkout desk. At the WAC Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby), there are 20 pairs of headphones available from the Checkout counter on the 3rd (main) floor of the Library. There are also two sets of headphones with microphones.
How long can I borrow headphones?
Headphones can be borrowed for a 4-hour loan period which can be extended online, but not past the Library's closing time. Headphones returned after they are due are subject to fines. See Fines and penalties: Borrowing Library materials for further information.
Headphones must be returned 1 hour before Library closing.
How do I find out if headphones are available?
To see what the Library owns, search Laptops & equipment borrowing for headphones at the different SFU Library locations.
For more information, including which headphones are available to borrow, contact Loans staff by phone, by email at, or in person at the Loans desk at any Library.