On this page
Services for you
- Services for Education Faculty Associates
- Services for undergraduate students
- Services for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows
- Services for faculty members
French language resources
Ressources et outils en ligne pour l'éducation en français
Guide for help finding French language resources (written in French)
French Information Resources
Guide for the Department of French
Curriculum & instructional resources (K-12)
PDP Resources guide
Guide for finding curriculum guides, lesson plans, textbooks and other recommended learning and media resources for the K-12 classroom.
Curriculum Collection
Information about this collection, which includes textbooks, children's literature and curriculum materials.
The Homeroom: British Columbia's History of Education
The history of education and schools in BC including curriculum guides, textbooks, timelines, and more.
Tests and testing
BC Provincial Examinations
Formal examinations prepared by the BC Ministry of Education
Find education-related tests, published in books or journal articles (Hint: Type "tests/questionnaires" in one of the search boxes and select Publication Type from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box to search for tests. Add keywords via additional search boxes.)
Find psychological tests, published in books or journal articles (Hint: Type "appended" in one of the search boxes and select Tests & Measures from the drop-down menu to the right of the search box. This will narrow your search to articles with tests appended. Use additional search boxes to add keywords.)
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print
Provides descriptive information about the tests listed, plus information about reliability and validity, and reviews by qualified professionals.
Psychological Tests and Measurements
Detailed guide to finding tests and measurements