Citing & writing: Education resources

Citing your sources

Citation styles

Most education publications use APA style for formatting in-text citations and bibliography. See our APA citation guide.

See our Citation & style guides for other citation styles, like MLA and Chicago/Turabian.

Citation management tools

Citation or reference management tools collect your journal article, book, or other document citations together in one place, and help you create properly formatted bibliographies in almost any style — in seconds.  Citation management tools help you keep track of your sources while you work and store your references for future use and reuse.

Academic writing

  • Literature reviews for graduate students
    Discusses different types of literature reviews, how to use subject headings, and ways to keep track of your searches.
  • Writing handouts
    Quick tips on how to structure your research and essay from this series of two-page handouts provided by the Student Learning Commons.
  • Thesis assistance
    Resources for the preparation and submission of your graduate thesis, extended essay or project.
  • Plagiarism Tutorial
    Take the SFU Library's interactive tutorial to test your understanding of plagiarism and learn how to avoid it!

For more writing help, see Student Learning Commons (undergraduate students) or Research Commons (graduate students).