On this page
Statistics and reports
Within BC
Institutional Research and Planning (SFU)
Collects and analyzes data on all aspects of SFU's operations
BC Stats: Education & Training
Find student outcomes surveys, school reports for K-12, school enrollment projections, and more.
BC Ministry of Education: Provincial Reports
Find reports on student and teacher statistics, as well as skill assessments, graduation rates, and more.
BC Baccalaureate Graduate Outcomes Survey
Data from three annual surveys: Diploma, Associate Degree, and Certificate Student Outcomes Survey; Baccalaureate Graduates Survey; Apprenticeship Student Outcomes Survey
Statistics Canada: Education, training and learning
Tabular data on enrolment, graduates, school attendance and educational attainment, finances, employment.
Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective + Fact Sheets + Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
Compares Canada's educational system to educational systems in other countries around the world, on 12 education indicators: educational attainment, upper secondary graduation rates, labour market outcomes, financial resources invested in education, international students, transitions to the labour market, the organization of learning environments at the elementary and secondary levels, adult literacy and numeracy.
State of the Nation: K - 12 E-Learning in Canada Research Reports
The State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada study updates the provincial, territorial, and federal governance and activity of K-12 e-learning across the country.
Teachers' Guide to Data Discovery
A guide for elementary and secondary teachers on the basic skills involved in statistical investigation: choosing the dataset, understanding data concepts and analysing the data with or without computer software.
Guide to Data on Elementary and Secondary Education in Canada
Describes the main sources of data on elementary and secondary education.
United States
National Center for Education Statistics (US)
Facts, data, and reports about education in the United States.
- The Condition of Education
Contains key indicators on the condition of education in the United States at all levels, from prekindergarten through postsecondary, as well as labor force outcomes and international comparisons. - Digest of Education Statistics
Compilation of statistical information covering prekindergarten through graduate school.
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Reports and statistics about education from over 200 countries and territories.