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Find encyclopedia articles in the Library Catalogue, filtering by Resource Type: Reference Entries.
See all Education encyclopedias or browse specific encyclopedias:
- Encyclopedia of education
- Encyclopedia of language and education
- Encyclopedia of bilingual education
- Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration
- Encyclopedia of school psychology
- Encyclopedia of the social and cultural foundations of education
- Encyclopedia of multicultural education
- Encyclopedia of distance learning
- Routledge encyclopedia of language teaching and learning
- International encyclopedia of education
- International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences
- Philosophy of education: the key concepts
- World education encyclopedia
Find handbooks in the Library Catalogue, adding AND handbook to your search.
See all Education handbooks or browse specific handbooks:
- APA educational psychology handbook
- Handbook of early childhood education
- Handbook of qualitative research in education
- International handbook of comparative education
- Your education research project handbook
- The SAGE Handbook of Action Research
- The Routledge international handbook of critical education
- Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research
Find biographies in the Library Catalogue, adding AND biography to your search.
See all Education biographies or browse specific biographies:
- Fifty major thinkers on education: From Confucious to Dewey
- Fifty modern thinkers on education: From Piaget to the present day
- The greatest educators ever
- Sourcebook of experiential education: key thinkers and their contributions
- Historical and philosophical foundations of education : a biographical introduction