About the Student Learning Commons (SLC)

Launched in Fall 2006, the Student Learning Commons (SLC) is an academic writing and learning centre with the mandate to assist and support students in their academic pursuits. The Student Learning Commons (SLC) offers expert and friendly help with academic writing, learning, and study strategies -- in an environment of collaboration, discussion, and peer learning.

Our Vision

Every SFU student will feel empowered academically and have a sense of belonging to a community of learners and writers.

Our Mission

At the Student Learning Commons, we believe mentorship leads to empowerment, ability, and confidence. We nurture a community of learners and writers through workshops, consultations, conversations, and resources. We support lifelong learning, transformation, and growth.

Our Provisional Statement of Commitment to Antiracism 

The staff of the Student Learning Commons have committed ourselves to shared and ongoing learning in the area of antiracism. In alignment with the SFU Library Statement on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, we are working to transform the Student Learning Commons through antiracist practice, policy, and procedure. We are taking up this antiracist work to address the structural, institutional, and individual barriers that stand in the way of the most effective fulfilment of our vision and mission. 

We are currently working to apply antiracist understandings and practices to transitioning the Student Learning Commons back to on-campus services.

We will provide regular updates on this work.


You can find SLC services on all three campuses.

Facts & feedback

Locations & hours

Projects & reports

Who we are: About our staff

FAQs about the SLC

Student Learning Commons support for Fraser International College (FIC) instructors and students

Information for instructors