For information about the Student Learning Commons' many projects and partnerships, see the projects and reports below or contact the SLC Head or Coordinators for more details.
Selected projects and partnerships
Academic Enhancement Program (AEP): Developed by Dr. Diana Cuikerman, Computing Science, and Donna McGee Thompson, Head, Student Learning Commons, the AEP seeks to integrate effective learning strategies within the CMPT curriculum, especially at the first year level.
Back On Track (BOT): The SLC partners with Student Engagement and Retention (Student Services) and other campus units, to provide a program for students who have been Required to Withdraw (RTW).
WriteAway: The SLC is a leading member of a province-wide initiative to provide online writing tutoring to BC post-secondary students through a collaborative service.
Undergraduate Research Symposium: Representatives from the SLC sit on the planning committee for the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium. This Symposium is a collaboration between the Office of the Vice-President, Research and the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost. Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and the Library are co-leading the project, with the support of Student Engagement and Retention.