On this page
- Handbook of South American archaeology
- Handbook of geophysics and archaeology [print]
- International handbook of underwater archaeology [print]
Maps and images
- ARTstor : A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data
- MIRAGE—Map Image Rendering Database for Geoscience -- MIRAGE is a digital image library of Geological Survey of Canada maps. See also Digital Geoscience Maps interactive map tool.
- GEOSCAN Database -- Repository of Earth Sciences Sector bibliographic material which may contain digitized images and maps
- The atlas of early man [print]
- Atlas of the North American Indian [print]
- The New World's old world: photographic views of ancient America [print]
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection—Historical Maps -- Hosted by the University of Texas at Austin.
- The Times archaeology of the world [print]
- The world atlas of archaeology [print]
Want to find out how to cite images? Check out the SFU Library's guide on Images for information on locating and using images as well as how to cite them.