Start here for:
- finding images online (databases and open web)
- getting information about copyright protection for images
- citing images in your research and assignments
For further help finding or using images, ask us!
Popular resources
Documents artistic traditions from many eras and cultures. Includes architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts and design, as well as other forms of visual culture.
Flickr: The Commons
Part of the popular photo site Flickr, the Commons hosts photos from a variety of institutions (such as libraries, museums, and archives) that have no known copyright restrictions.
Vancouver Public Library Historical Photographs of BC and Yukon
Images related to the history of Vancouver, British Columbia, and the Yukon, dating back to 1860.
SFU Library's Digital Collections
The following list highlights the growing number of digital collections and resources created by or hosted at the SFU Library that include a significant number of images. Visit the Digital Collections Homepage for even more resources.
- BC Multicultural Photograph Collection
- Bill Reid Centre Collection
- British Columbia Postcards Collection
- Canada's Early Women Writers
- Canadian Farmworker's Union Collection
- Emily Carr University Wosk Masterworks Print Collection
- Komagata Maru Collection
- Richard Harwood Chambers Alpine Photograph Collection
- Vancouver Punk Rock Collection
Images in other SFU library research guides
- Anthropology: Maps and Images
- Archaeology: Maps and images
- Communication: Advertising and Cartoons
- Primary Sources for the Humanities
Search for images that are copyright-free or available under Creative Commons licenses
To find images that are open access (including Creative Commons) or public domain, see Are there any databases of materials that I can use for free without worrying about copyright?
Copyright information for citing images
Images are protected under the Copyright legislation.
To cite images, see FAQs related to copyright protection for images