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- Oxford Reference Online -- contains The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology and the Oxford Companion to Archaeology
- Companion encyclopedia of archaeology [online or print]
- The Concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology [online or print]
- Dictionary of concepts in archaeology [print]
- Encyclopedic dictionary of archaeology [print]
- The Penguin archaeology guide [print]
- Dictionary of physical geography [online or print]
- Merriam Webster geographical dictionary [print]
Encyclopedias, handbooks and chronologies
- Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology -- includes several entries from SFU researchers
- Archaeology of ancient Mexico and Central America [print]
- The archaeology handbook: a field manual and resource guide [print]
- Archaeology of prehistoric native America: an encyclopedia [print]
- The Cambridge encyclopedia of hunters and gatherers [print]
- Catalog of the Library of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology [print]
- Civilizations of the ancient Near East [print]
- A Companion to Archaeology. Bennett Library [print]
- Encyclopedia of ancient Mesoamerica. Bennett Reference [print]
- Encyclopedia of archaeology: The great archaeologists [print]
- Encyclopedia of archaeology: history and discoveries [print]
- Encyclopedia of historical archaeology. Bennett Library [print]
- Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory [print]
- Encyclopedia of prehistory [print]
- Encyclopedia of prehistory [print]
- Handbook of Middle American Indians [print]
- Handbook of North American Indians [print]
- Historical dictionary of North American archaeology [print]
- The Oxford companion to archaeology [online or print]