Giving presentations
Giving Effective Presentations
Covers organizing the presentation, practising, presenting, and using computer slides.
Presentation Confidence
Covers common fears, relaxation, visualization and other topics.
Business Presentations
A SFU Library page that links to resources to help you conduct a successful presentation in Business or any other discipline.
Managing nervousness during presentations (University of Guelph)
Tips on various aspects of presentations.
Leading discussions
Facilitating Effective Discussions (Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo)
Although this resource is intended for instructors, it contains useful suggestions if you are required to lead a discussion in your class.
Safe places to practice your speaking skills
The best way to gain confidence and skills in participating in class, speaking in public, or delivering presentations is frequent practice.
- Let's Talk (Student Learning Commons).
- Burnaby Mountain Toastmasters at SFU - A club intended to improve members' public speaking skills and expanding their social network.
- Toastmasters - Find a club near you.