SFU Library offers consultations and workshops on various topics related to managing your research data. These include creating data management plans, cleaning data, keeping your data safe, sharing data effectively via online repositories, ethical considerations and de-identifying data, organizing your data files, and more.
Examples of previous workshops
We provide sessions for research labs and project teams, graduate seminars, and other groups. Here are some of the workshops we have offered:
RDM@SFU: an orientation to research data management at SFU
A coordinated orientation to the landscape of SFU resources and infrastructure for data management, co-presented by research support staff from Institutional Strategic Awards, Research Computing, Research Ethics, Research Services, and SFU Library.
Introduction to Research Data Management
Learn the fundamental aspects of data management and the kinds of questions you should consider for your research project.
An introduction to managing your research data: tips on storage, sharing, and publishing
Get started with planning how to publish your research data for future use, including tips on data storage and organization.
Write a data management plan
Start to write a plan to manage your research data using DMP Assistant, an online data management plan utility.
Secure Data
Protect your research data by following strong security practices.
Organize your research project: an introduction to the Open Science Framework (OSF)
Learn to use the popular and free web app OSF to manage your research projects.
Clean Data: Data Organization in Spreadsheets
Learn good data organization in the spreadsheets used in your research projects.
Data de-identification
An introduction to issues related to sharing sensitive data, with suggestions on how personally identifiable information in your datasets could be handled.
Version control with Git and GitHub
Use tools to manage version control for your research files, to enable collaboration.
Share Data
Learn about how, when, and where to publish and share your research data, including resources to support data sharing.