Conference keynote addresses, paper presentations, poster presentations, sessions
Refer to APA's Conference presentation references or consult the guide directly (Section 10.5, textual works, pp. 332-333).
Reference list example
Fairey, E. & McKenzie, J. (2012, May 30—June 2). "If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”: Simon Fraser University Library’s liaison librarian service review [Presentation]. CLA 2012 National Conference and Trade Show, Ottawa, ON.
Bodnar, M. (2016, May 30—June 2). Problems as possibilities: A Topic Generation Portal to help instructors efficiently draft assignment topics [Poster presentation]. WILU 2016 Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Reference in text example
(Bodnar, 2016)
(Fairey & McKenzie, 2012)
- Include a description of the presentation in square brackets [ ] after title (e.g., [Conference session], [Paper presentation], [Poster presentation], [Keynote address]).
- If video available, include link at the end of the reference.
- Check out how to format reverse italics as seen in the Bodnar poster presentation example above.
- If only Citing the abstract of a conference presentation, include "abstract" as part of description.
- Refer to How to create an APA Style reference for a cancelled conference presentation.
Conference proceedings
Refer to APA's Conference proceedings references or consult the guide (Section 10.5, textual works, p.332).
Published conference proceedings may be cited either like chapters in edited books (first example) or like journal articles (second example). This will depend on whether the publication is treated as a series (e.g. has an ISBN and an editor) or as a periodical (i.e. it is published annually).
Reference list example
Iyengar, S. S., & DeVoe, S. E. (2003). Rethinking the value of choice: Considering cultural mediators of intrinsic motivation. In R. Dienstbier (ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 49. Cross-cultural differences in perspectives on the self (pp. 129-174). University of Nebraska Press.
Shennan, S. (2008). Canoes and cultural evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 3416-3420.
Reference in text example
(Iyengar & DeVoe, 2003)
(Shennan, 2008)
- Capitalize the name of the symposium, conference or meeting (Chapter 6, Capitalization, p. 165).
Symposium contribution
Reference of this type of document uses the works that are part of a greater whole format, that is, like a chapter in an edited book or an article in a journal.
Consult example 63 in the guide (Section 10.5, textual works, p. 333).
Reference list example
Lane, J. (2013, May 13—15). Teaching as the class clown: What clowning can bring to the classroom and the lecture hall. In C. Kurbis (Chair), Embracing Change at SFU [Symposium]. 13th Symposium on Teaching and Learning, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Reference in text example
(Lane, 2013)
- If video available, include link at the end of the reference.