Become part of the SLC team (virtual interviews available!)
At the end of no doubt the weirdest term in SFU’s storied history, we are probably all hoping for better times ahead in the next academic year. It’s striking how, at this challenging time, many of us are focusing on what is most important: helping others and connecting with each other as best we can, even if remotely. If you would like to continue with that focus in the Fall 2020 term, whether in person or through the wonders of technology, the SLC is offering opportunities to connect with, and help, your fellow SFU students, in addition to building valuable skills and experience.
If this sounds appealing, you may be the perfect candidate to choose from two volunteer opportunities at the Student Learning Commons, the Writing and Learning Peer Educator Program, and the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Peer Educator Program. Both programs are currently recruiting for a 2-term commitment – not necessarily consecutive - starting in Fall 2020. Better yet, why choose when you can participate in both programs at the same time?
Both SLC-based volunteer programs allow you to develop transferable skills in the areas of client service, interpersonal skills, giving effective feedback, and cross-cultural communication, and will give you access to a professional reference as well as – if we are back on campus in the fall semester- a dedicated study/social space in the Library (SFU Burnaby and SFU Surrey). Both programs give you credit on your Co-Curricular Record.
Writing and Learning Peers help their fellow students one-on-one through consultations – in-person and/or virtual - about their writing and other academic strategies. We are looking for strong writers in any discipline, typically with at least a 3.0 GPA. Writing and Learning Peers hone their own academic skills in the process of reviewing others’ work. They can earn internationally recognized tutoring certification from the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). Past Peers have indicated that the experience was useful in landing co-op positions and paid employment on campus, and in furthering their career and educational goals in diverse fields such as Law, Library and Information Science, Dentistry, Medicine, Counselling Psychology, Advocacy, Academia, K-12 Teaching, Teaching English Overseas, Post-Secondary Student Services, and many others.
For the EAL Peer program, you must be in Good Academic Standing, and we are looking primarily for students with strong interpersonal skills. EAL Peers build relationships by meeting on a weekly basis all term – in person and/or virtually - with individual students who are looking to build their competence and confidence in spoken English. This relationship often makes a crucial personal and academic difference in students’ lives, for example, by building students’ confidence to connect with their classmates and seek help from their TAs.
We are recruiting now for both positions on as part of posting #5254. The posting will be open until April 20, 2020. Position descriptions are found here for Writing and Learning Peer Educators and EAL Peer Educators.
If you have any questions or are interested but missed the application deadline, please contact us at