On this page
Contact information
If you need help, please contact Nina Smart, , at or ( ).
For detailed research questions on statistics information resources or questions about data/microdata, please contact Carla Graebner, Librarian for Data Services and Government Information at 778.782.6881 or cgraebne@sfu.ca or data-services@sfu.ca
Government and organization sites
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Natural Resources Canada
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Canadian Council of Ministers for the Environment
Additional sites
- Achieving 2050: A Carbon Pricing Policy for Canada (National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy)
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry
- Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Reports
- Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Forest Resources Statistical data Natural Resources Canada
- National Air Pollution Surveillance Program (NAPS) Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Species at Risk Public Registry "news, information, and documents related to species at risk in Canada"
- Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development Reports to Parliament
Environmental organizations
- CO2earth "readings for atmospheric CO2, global temperature, global emissions, and pH in seawater"
- Ecojustice national environmental law charity
- Pembina Institute think tank "research, analysis and recommendations to inform policies and practices related to energy"
- David Suzuki Foundation "conserve our environment "
- Environmental Defense "Canadian environmental advocacy organization"
- Canadian Environmental Law Association legal aid clinic
- thegreenpages "Canada’s environmental social network"
Arctic/Northern environment
- Department of Environment Yukon
- Environment and Natural Resources Northwest Territories
- Nunavut Planning Commission
- Cold Regions Research Centre (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Energy and fuels
Oil and gas
- Canadian Gas Association
- Canadian Fuels Association
- Energy Sources and Distribution Natural Resources Canada
- Pembina Institute "Leading Canada's transition to clean energy"
- BC Hydro
- Waterpower Canada "not-for-profit trade association dedicated to representing the waterpower industry"
- Hydro Quebec (select residential or business)
- Manitoba Hydro
- Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
Nuclear power *
- Canadian Nuclear Association
- Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Canadian Nuclear Society
- Energy Probe
- Nuclear Energy Natural Resources Canada
- Nuclear Information and Resource Service
- Nuclear Info WebRing
- Nuclear Control Institute
Alternative fuels
- Blue Energy
- Association of Power Producers of Ontario (APPrO)
- Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
- Canadian Wind Energy Association
- Energy and Environment links University of Oregon
- Renewables Natural Resources Canada
Fisheries management
- Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada includes regions Newfound and Labrador and Maritimes
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Newfoundland and Labrador
- Fisheries and Oceans - Pacific
Waste management
- Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Ontario
- Waste - Ministry of the Environment BC
- Alberta Environment and Parks
- Solid Waste and Recycling
- Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)
- Pollution and Waste Environment and Climate Change Canada
- State of Waste Management in Canada (CCME)
Great Lakes water quality
- Great Lakes Environment and Climate Change Canada
- IJC Protecting Shared Waters
- Great Lakes Commission
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission
- Great Lakes Research Consortium
Industry & stakeholder information
- Associations Canada to find organizations by particular industry
- Registry of lobbyists Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada "this federal site is searchable by lobbyist’s name, organization, subject of lobbying activity, keyword, etc. Shows the corporations, industry groups and individuals involved, communication techniques used, and the issues, bills, regulations, policies or programs targeted"
- Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists (ORL) "an independent office of the legislature"
- Consulting with Canadians "Share your ideas with organizations seeking input from Canadian citizens and stakeholders"
News sites
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- EcoWatch (US) "the nation's leading environmental news site"
- Environment News Service ENS "the original international daily wire service of the environment"
- thegreenpages.ca
- Environmental Encyclopedia
- Dictionary of Environment and Conservation [print and online]
- Encyclopedia of Ecology [print and online]
- Canadian environmental policy and politics: prospects for leadership and innovation [online and print]
- Private rights in public resources: equity and property allocation in market-based environmental policy [print and online]
- Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy: Political Economy and Public Policy [print and online]
- Towards green growth: monitoring progress: OECD indicators [online]
- Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy [print]
- "Environmental economics and sustainability" special issue of Journal of Economic Surveys (Volume 30, Issue 3)
- An introduction to environmental law and policy in Canada [print] Many links from this page were mentioned here
Other books
- Green-lite : complexity in fifty years of Canadian environmental policy, governance, and democracy
- Canadian natural resource and environmental policy : political economy and public policy [print and online]
Sample Catalogue Subject headings:
- Climactic changes -- Government policy -- Canada
- Environmental impact charges -- Case studies (or: --Canada)
- Greenhouse gases -- Government policy -- Canada
- Global warming -- Government policy -- Canada
- Greenhouse gases -- Canada -- Measurement
Other subject headings:
Environmental policy; Nature conservation; Land use; Environmental protection; Environmental law; Conservation of natural resources; Gas industry
Sample sub-headings: --Canada (or province); --Government policy; --Environmental aspects; --Law and legislation
Journal article databases
Environment Complete
Indexes over 1,900 environmental journals, with fulltext access to about 750. Also available is fulltext access to over 200 monographs
"focusing on the relationship between human beings and the environment...accessible information on topics ranging from global warming to recycling to alternate fuel sources"
International Political Science Abstracts
Political science articles from around the world
Additional databases:
Database of research articles about human and physical geography topics including housing and transportation
Canada Commons
Canadian public policy documents from government and nonprofit organizations as well as think tanks
ebooks in the Environmental Sciences
Political Science Complete
Fulltext political science articles [sample subject: Environmental Policy]
World economic literature
Nexis Uni
Fulltext news, business and law resources - for help see the guide Search Using Nexis Uni
See also Resource & Environmental Management information resources SFU guide
Statistics and data
- Statistics Canada: Environment "Information on Canada’s environment and its relationship with human activity"
- Energy Statistics StatsCan
- National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2024 Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Statistical data Natural Resources Canada - Canadian Forest Service
- Public Policy Research Think Tanks (Penn Libraries) under "Environment Policy"
- Global Environmental Outlook (GEO) by UNEP
- IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development
- OECD iLibrary Browse by theme under Environment e.g. Environment at a Glance Indicators
- UNSD Environment Statistics
- Environment section of World Bank
- World Health Organization (WHO) Heath topics: Environmental Health; Environmental Pollution
- UN Environment Programme World Environment Situation Room
"Data, information and knowledge on the environment" - See also REM statistics page
Data sources
- Data and Statistics useful list from University of Ottawa
- Geography & Environmental Studies another useful list from Mount Allison
- Note: some of the above resources are by subscription, so check the SFU list of databases to see whether we have access to the listed resources