GSWS 305 Gendering Economy: Paid and Unpaid Labour

Contact info

For Library research help, please contact Moninder Lalli, Liaison Librarian for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies by email or Ask a librarian.


Start Your Research Here - This page gives you an overview of the research process, or in other words how to find materials for your essay.

Selected reference works

It is useful to start by obtaining an overview of a topic by consulting scholarly encyclopedias, handbooks or even textbooks.  These assist with identifying key authors, debates and resources.

Find journal articles

Finding articles: Advanced search techniques [video]  - This three-minute video introduces some advanced search techniques, demonstrated in Academic Search Premier. 

Use the databases below for find scholarly articles on labour topics. Each database indexes several hundred journals  so searching them provides you with relevant articles for those disciplines.  For articles not available in full-text within the database, use the "Get@SFU" link to find it or to initiate an inter-library loan request.

Limit your search to "academic", "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed."

Women and Canadian databases

Business, economic and legal databases

  • Business Source Complete
  • A good place to start your search for academic or practitioner articles. BSC also contains industry and market reports, company profiles, country economic reports, and more. 
  • ECONLIT : Your best place to start with any research in Economics
  • Westlaw Next Canada  Current Canadian legal information, including cases, legislation, law reports, and journal articles. 

Included within this platform are: 

  • Canadian Encyclopedic Digest -  is a legal encyclopedia in which legal topics are summarized. Important cases and/or legislation relating to each topic are included in the extensive footnotes.
  • Canadian Abridgment Digest (CAD) - summarizes Canadian legal cases into a short paragraph or two, allowing for quick reviews of their relevance.  All abridged cases are organized by a classification system, allowing you to locate similar cases at once.

Find books in the Library

Library Catalogue search guide 

The Library Catalogue provides access to books, journal articles, videos, government documents and much more.  To limit the search results to "books", use the filter (left-hand column in search results) to "resource type" of "books."

Search the SFU Library Catalogue, either the Basic or the Advanced search

Note: In the searches below, search results can be limited by "Resource type" such as "books or by "Subject"

Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words

Use pulldown menu and select, "Source Types" as "Books"

Note:  For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")

If you have found one book that is particularly relevant to your research, but need more, search that book in the library catalogue and use the subject headings associated with that book!


Selected books

Selected "subject headings"

Browse by subject ("Browse" tab is at the top, when using "Catalogue Search"]
Limit by subject" (in search results, check the left-hand column)

Government information



British Columbia

  • British Columbia Employment Standards Act  The provincial legislation that ensures that employees in British Columbia receive at least basic standards of compensation and conditions of employment. The British Columbia Employment Standards Act and Regulation sets out minimum working conditions for all employees covered under provincial labour laws. A number of sectors or industries in British Columbia are subject to specific regulations that only apply to them. Click here to see the regulations for specific industries.
  • British Columbia Labour Relations Code  The provincial legislation that protects the right of employees in British Columbia to be a member of a trade union and to participate in its lawful activities. The Code further delineates the rights of employees and employers.
  • Human Rights Protection  "British Columbia has a law to protect and promote human rights. It is called the B.C. Human Rights Code or the Code. The Code helps to protect you from discrimination and harassment." [from the website]  [BC] Human Rights Code



Citing Government documents, Canadian -- APA style | MLA style | Chicago style

United States


Feminist theory website

Labour related websites

Search tips for using the Google or Google Scholar search engines


Use site:gov  to find sources from government websites.  Use quotation marks ("") to search for phrases (words next to each other)

"unpaid work" site:  <--- for government of Canada site

When two words are next to each other, Google assumes an "and"

Library guides

Writing help

For undergraduate students, thStudent Learning Commons provides assistance and numerous, helpful guides.