On this page
- Find an SFU thesis or project
- Find theses from other universities
- Doing your literature review : traditional and systematic technique [print]
- Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
- Canadian Women's Health Network
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
- Feminist Majority Foundation
- International Council on Women's Health Issues
- Maquila Solidarity Network - solidarity with grassroots groups in Mexico, Central America, and Asia
- National Association of Women and the Law
- National Organization for Women - the largest feminist activist organization in the United States
- National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
- OneWorld
- Oral History Association
- Third World Network
- West Coast LEAF - organization in BC dedicated to promoting women’s equality through the law. [from their website]
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
- Reports on "employment & labour"
- Living Wage for Families BC
- Working for a Living Wage: Making paid work meet basic family needs in Metro Vancouver: 2023 Update
- Reports on "employment & labour"
- Feminist Theory Website -- "provides research materials" - fields within feminism; national and ethnic feminisms; Individual feminists
- Homosaurus vocabulary (terminology) - although these terms are not used in the "Subject" list (Browse by Subject) in the SFU Catalogue Search, they may assist you when searching for
- Media History Digital Library - A Resource for Film, TV & Radio History -- Open Access to older issues of film/cinema magazines.
- Mediawatch -- A national, not for profit feminist organization working to eliminate sexism in the media.
- Rise Up! -- A digital archive of feminist activism in Canada from the 1970s to the 1990s.
- Women Downtown Eastside - Vancouver (www.womendtes.com) -- "... the website was primarily intended as an interface between the DTES and the general and academic public. We hope to encourage a deeper and more personal understanding of this vibrant yet troubled community, including the threats it faces from gentrification. Through this website, we aim to contribute to a better understanding of this special neighbourhood and of the experience of poverty, poor living conditions and drug addiction familiar to so many, and encourage a pondering of equitable solutions." [Dr. Jaqueline Levitin]
- Women’s Studies: Feminist Theory
Terminology for LGBTIQA
- Homosaurus vocabulary (terminology) - although these terms are not used in the "Subject" list (Browse by Subject) in the SFU Catalogue Search, they may assist you when searching for information on LGBTQIA persons.