Indigenous Studies research resources: Facts & data

"The eagle flies the highest in the sky, and in a Coast Salish legend people would seek guidance from the eagle to gain knowledge of faraway places. This representational eagle wing relief was created to bring the knowledge to students as they seek guidance in their studies." By Marissa Nahanee - Maykw Cha7em Squamish & Nisga’a Nations, Eagle Clan.


  • Handbook of critical and Indigenous methodologies [print]
  • Handbook of Indians of Canada [print]
  • Handbook of North American Indians [print]
  • International handbook of research on Indigenous entrepreneurship [print]
  • Praeger handbook on contemporary issues in Native America [print]

Maps and images


Finding and using online images SFU Library guide will help you get started in your search
Citing SFU guide for citing online images

  • A Stó:lo-Coast Salish Historical Atlas [print]
  • Atlas of Indian reserves & settlements of Canada [print]
  • Canada, Indian and Inuit communities and languages  [print]
  • Canadian atlas of Aboriginal settlement [print
  • Maps of Indian reserves and settlements in the national map collection, 2 vols. [print]
  • Atlas of the North American Indian [print]


Citing geospatial data and maps SFU guide


British Columbia

Regional analysis of health statistics for Status Indians in British Columbia (1992-2002 most recent)
"Regional Analysis of Health Statistics for Status Indians in British Columbia" British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency 


Statistics Canada
"Serving Canada with high-quality statistical information that matters"

Start withStatistics on Indigenous peoples 
Main Statistics Canada subject page covering population, health, education, crime, and more

Aboriginal Peoples Survey 
Major survey covering "social and economic conditions of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit... to identify the needs of Aboriginal peoples and to inform policy and programs aimed at improving the well-being of Aboriginal peoples".  For microdata files search the Abacus Dataverse Network under: "Aboriginal Peoples Survey" for 2017 and earlier surveys

2021: A snapshot: Status First Nations people in Canada
"Booklet prepared in collaboration between Statistics Canada and the Assembly of First Nations"

Health Reports article:
Life expectancy of First Nations, Métis and Inuit household populations in Canada (2019)

Older surveys and studies

2006 Aboriginal Population Profile --  Aboriginal Children's Survey 2006: Family, Community and Child Care (Archived)

Historical Statistics of Canada (Archived)
Many CSV tables - information is there, but hard to extract

Other Canadian agencies and surveys

First Nations Data Online and First Nations Data Centre (FNDC)
First Nations Information Governance Centre

Indigenous Health
Indigenous Services Canada

Indigenous Services Canada (Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada links to this page as well)

The Health Status of Canada's First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples (2005)
Health Council of Canada

Urban Aboriginal Peoples Study
Environics Institute
"Aboriginal peoples living in 11 Canadian cities: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax and Ottawa. It explores their values, identities, experiences and aspirations."

United States

US Bureau of the Census 
detailed US socio-economic statistics based on the US Census and other surveys. Site search terms: "Native American" or "Alaska Native", including:

American Indian and Alaska Native Data Links
Includes American Community Survey and Current Population Survey reports

Native American Heritage Month November 2022
Includes useful Key Stats; previous years have maps and other information

Statistical Abstract of the United States
Annual; tables and table numbering can vary from year to year
(Keyword search: American Indian)

Useful, non-Census resources

Historical Statistics of the United States 
Fully searchable database by Cambridge. Can graph individual tables and create customized tables and spreadsheets. 
(Keyword search: American Indian)

largely American statistical datasets, with customizable data views. Sample search: "American Community Survey" native


United Nations

State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Volume 1 (UN DESA)
covers poverty, culture, education, environment, health human rights and emerging issues such as urbanization 

State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Volume 2:  Health
covering access to health services around the world

State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Volume 3:  Education
covering seven regions of the world

UN Women "dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women"
Keyword search: Indigenous 

Resources on Data and Indicators United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Indigenous Peoples
Note: most resources in Spanish 

Other organizations and resources

Asian Development Bank "to eradicate extreme poverty in the region"
Keyword search: Indigenous

World Bank
"works in every major area of development"
In advanced search see Topics: Culture and Development > Indigenous Peoples; Communities and Human Settlements > Indigenous Peoples; Law and Development > Indigenous Peoples Law and Document Type: Indigenous Peoples Plan

OECD iLibrary 
Publications from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Keyword search: Indigenous 

Statistics portal.  Sample searches: Indigenous, "Native American"

Further resources

For more information see Library guides:
Statistics - BC and Statistics Canada 
Economic Indicators