Statistics Canada is the major statistical gathering agency of the Canadian government. It publishes the "whole range of statistics on the economic and social activities of the Canadian people." StatsCan also publishes the Census of Canada at five year intervals.
Statistics Canada makes some of their publications available on their web site. The SFU Library owns many of theses publications, too.
Finding Statistics Canada information by topic
For current publications, see Publications by Statistics Canada.
You may also use the Canadian Research Index, which provides excellent keyword access, to find Statistics Canada publications.
For pre-1980 statistics, see the Historical catalogue of Statistics Canada publications, 1918-1980 [print].
Full text access
Search the Statistics Canada Web site. If documents are not available via Statistics Canada, check the Library catalogue and CANSIM.
Locating printed materials
At the Bennett Library (SFU Burnaby), most Statistics Canada publications are located on the sixth floor, and are arranged by the five digit Statistics Canada number. Census publications are filed by census year, then publication number (e.g., 1996 Census no. 92-350-PPB) at the end of the collection.
Major statistical compendia
There are several important handbooks which provide current and retrospective data for a broad range of topics. For example:
Canada e-book / year book
Produced every two years, this handbook includes text and tables on natural resources, social and economic conditions, organizations, industry, finance and the legal system.
Canadian economic observer
A monthly summary of Canadian economic indicators and statistics with quarterly or monthly figures for the most recent two years. Includes seasonally adjusted major indicators and charts as well as articles on general economic conditions and special subjects. Continues Canadian statistical review (11-003, 1934-1988).
Historical statistics of Canada
Provides text and historical tables illustrating Canada's development from 1867 to 1975. The statistics are derived from many sources and include social, economic and political time series covering 22 topics.
Market research handbook
Includes tables and charts on general economic indicators, socio-economic characteristics, personal income and expenditure, housing and household facilities, and merchandising and service industry data.
Census information
Conducting and publishing the census at five year intervals is one of Statistics Canada's most important responsibilities.
For more information on the Canadian Census, please see the Library's Statistics - Canadian Census guide.