Research help

This guide provides resources on Aboriginal tourism. 

You can contact Moninder Lalli, Librarian for Graduate Business for assistance via email or via Ask a librarian.

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Selected reference works

Find journal articles

  • Business Source Complete Key resource for most business topics indexing thousands of business journals, industry magazines, and industry & market reports.

Example searches:

(aborig* or native* or "First Nations" or indigenous) AND (market* or tour* or ecotour* or eco-tour* or "heritage tour*" or "cultur* tour*") AND (canad* or BC or "British Columbia" or Ontario) 
   Results  (These results were further limited by "Geography" of Canada and its provinces)    

( aborig* or native* or "First Nations" or indigenous ) (AND Covid-19 or coronavirus or pandemic)
 Results (These results can be further limited by "Subject" or "Geography") 

(TI "industry profile") AND (TX marketline) AND tourism AND Canada
  Result (For Marketline's profiles of tourism for other countries, simply leave out "Canada" from the search strategy)

  • Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America - Academic articles and Indigenous news sources.  Covers all aspects of Native North American culture, history, and life from the sixteenth century to the present. Topics include archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy. 

Example search:

(market* or tour* or ecotour* eco-tour* or "heritage tour*" or "cultur* tour") AND (Canad* or BC or "British Columbia" or Ontario)
 Results (These results further limited by selected "subjects" related to "tourism")

Maher, P. T., MacPherson, S., Doucette, M. B., Tulk, J. E., & Menge, T. (2018). Sustainability, Ethics, and Authenticity in Indigenous Tourism: The Case of Eskasoni Cultural Journeys on Goat Island. Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, 11(1), 90–106. Retrieved from


  • CBCA Fulltext Business  A broad range of Canadian business periodicals, including trade journals, general business publications, academic journals, and topical journals.

Example search:

(aborig* OR indigen* OR native* OR "First Nations") AND (market* or tour* or ecotour* eco-tour* or "heritage tour*" or "cultur* tour")
Results (These results were limited to Canada and its provinces)

  • Canadian Newsstream  Full text access to major Canadian daily newspapers (such as the Globe and Mail, National Post, The Gazette (Montreal), and Vancouver Sun) as well as small market newspapers and weeklies published in Canada.
  • Environment Complete Comprehensive coverage (over 1,900 journals) in environmental and many related disciplines. Also available is fulltext access to over 200 monographs.

Example search: 

(DE "Green marketing" or tour* or eco-tour* or ecotour* or "heritage tour*" or "cultur* tour*") AND (aborig* or indigen* or native* or "First Nations") AND
(Canad* or Alberta or Ontario or BC or "British Columbia")

For more, try the list of Marketing databases

Selected journals

Find books

BLOG: Indigenous business books & e-books

Search the Library Catalogue to find books, journal articles, government publications, films and more.  For any of the sample searches below, try limiting the search results by "Subject" (left-hand side) or by "Resource type." For more tips, consult the Library Catalogue search guide

Search the SFU Library Catalogue

Find a book by title:

Use Browse Search tab (top of screen) to find books by a specific author or title.

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Sample searches:

Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words

Note:  For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")

Look at the titles in the "results list" and for those books that look relevantclick on their subject headings


Selected books

Selected Subject Headings

Business plans

Government information

Government sources can provide useful reports,  statistics, and policy documents.


Health Canada

Canadian Intellectual Property Office: Makatew Workshops: Building a business around a brand!

Indigenous Services Canada: search for tourism to find articles, case studies and more

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Parks Canada: Indigenous tourism experiences 

Statistics Canada  Variety of travel and tourism statistics.

Statistics by Subjects:

Searches and reports

British Columbia

For more, see Government information

Associations and organizations

Also see our Policy Commons database for reports from research institutes, think tanks, etc. Start with a search in Policy Commons for either of the phrases: "indigenous tourism" OR "aboriginal tourism"

Google searching

Search tips for Google, Google Scholar, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.  Also look at "cited by" beneath an article reference to find who has cited that article. To search for words in the "title" of an article or a report, use: intitle:


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