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Alert! Use BoardEx & RepRisk before they expire - end of February

Published by Mark Bodnar

Heads-up that our subscriptions to both BoardEx and RepRisk will expire at the end of this month. These datasets were both paid for through one-time faculty research grant funding, so there is very little chance of an extension to either subscription. 

North America module of BoardEx via WRDS

BoardEx logo
"Time series data on compensation, committee structures and Board composition from 1999 to present, and Board announcements from 2002 to present, plus organization summary and company details. The data also covers the profiles of all Board and supervisory directors. These profiles hold details of current and past appointments and activities in both the public and private sectors."

Premium Edition of RepRisk via WRDS:

RepRisk logo
"The premium dataset includes RepRisk’s data for all companies – both listed and non-listed – in the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform that have been exposed to ESG risks and business conduct – i.e., approx. 110,000 companies from all sectors and geographies, including frontier and emerging markets. The dataset includes the full data history available (unbroken time series from January 2007)."

Further details about both datasets are available in my initial post announcing our one-year access.

Please keep in mind, once our current subscription expires all downloaded data will need to be removed from all computers, unless you are using it as part of an ongoing project.  The data can not be used for any new projects after the expiration date.

And since we're talking about datasets available for a limited time through one-time research grant funding... don't forget that we currently have short-term access to a wealth of data about listed firms in China -- to Dec. 2020 only!  Check out this post about CSMAR for details.


-- Mark
Mark Bodnar
Business & Economics Librarian

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