Mark Bodnar

Profile picture for user mbodnar
Liaison Librarian - Business & Economics
Learning & Instructional Services
778.782.3044 [voicemail]

Key research resources in business & economics:

BUEC Buzz blog:

Follow the BUEC Buzz blog to keep on top of new resources available for business & economics research at SFU

Please Note

Having trouble deciding which database to search or how to use the Library's various research tools efficiently? Not sure where to start with your research or need help tracking down one specific item? I'm always willing to help.

Send me an email with some dates and times that might work for you and I'll let you know where I expect to be at that time. Alternatively, send me the details about your research question (as described below), and we may be able to work on the issue via email.

Please be sure to include as many of the following details as possible/applicable in any research question emails:

  • course number and name;
  • assignment due date;
  • specific information that you need;
  • where and how you have searched thus far; and
  • what (if any) relevant information you have found.

Although I try to answer all questions within a couple business days, I can't always promise a fast response time. If you have a tight deadline, you should use the SFU Library's chat, email, phone, and in-person Ask a Librarian services