Here until December 2020: Data on listed firms in China
Published by Mark BodnarI'm very pleased to announce that SFU researchers have access until Dec. 2020 to a collection of detailed data on publicly traded firms in China.
This short-term subscription was funded with support from a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada research grant held by Prof. Ray Zhang, but the resource is available to all SFU researchers.
The six datasets now available from CSMAR (China Stock Market & Accounting Research) are listed below. Each of them covers firms listed on China's Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges.
- Corporate Governance
Information on directors, senior managers, and major shareholders of covered firms
- Financial Statements
Variables from the balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and stockholders' equity statements for covered firms
- Stock Trading
Stock trading data (prices, return rates, etc.) from 1990 onward for covered firms
- Audit Opinion
- Data on audit opinions of covered firms, including key variables such as the auditor, audit fee (domestic and foreign), audit firm, and audit opinion
- Internal Control
Data on the effectiveness of internal control measures in covered firms
- Equity Nature
Basic descriptive data since 2003 on covered firms, including variables such as largest shareholders, actual controllers, and equity nature
All of these datasets are available to be downloaded via the vendor's interface. The first three are also available via WRDS, our main interface for financial datasets. (Note: the WRDS option for accessing CSMAR data also mentions some other datasets by the same publisher, but those ones are greyed out as they are not part of our current subscription.)
Oh -- and a quick reminder that we have two other datasets available on short-term, grant-funded licenses: RepRisk and BoardEx (North America). Our access to both of those resources will expire at the end of February, 2020, so please do use them soon!
-- Mark
Mark Bodnar
Economics & Business Librarian