On this page
- Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials [print]
- Doing visual ethnography images, media and representation in research
- Handbook of emergent methods [print]
- The handbook of social research ethics
- A handbook for social science field research essays & bibliographic sources on research design and methods
- Handbook of social research ethics
- Mixed methods research: merging theory with practice
- Oxford handbook of multimethod and mixed methods research inquiry
- Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods
- SAGE handbook of applied social research methods
- SAGE handbook of fieldwork
- SAGE handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research
- SAGE handbook of online research methods
- SAGE handbook of social research methods
- SAGE handbook of visual research methods
Maps and images
- ARTstor -- A repository of hundreds of thousands of digital images and related data
- City of Vancouver Archives Photographs
- Cultural images from the British Library -- 10 collections, part of the Empire Online database
- The National Anthropological Archives and Human Studies Film Archives of the National Museum of Natural History / Smithsonian Institution
- Omaha Indian Music -- presented by the Library of Congress–includes music, photographs, spoken word and 323 songs and speeches from the 1983 Omaha Harvest Celebration Pow-Wow
See also SFU Library guide on images for information on locating and using images as well as how to cite them.
United States
- Fedstats - over 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government.
- US Census Bureau, by Topic
- US Department of Labor
- Abacus Dataverse Network - Research data repository of the British Columbia Research Libraries' Data Services.
- Asian Development Bank Choose a "country" or "topic" from pull down menus.
- The Global Gender Gap Report (annual) - from World Economic Forum
- SourceOECD - Click the Statistics tab, browse contents on the left side of the screen for available databases
- UNDATA (Formerly known as "UNSTATS - United Nations Statistical Common Database". - check "country profiles" and "topics" links. - comparative data from many UN sources.
- World Bank
- World Development Indicators - Direct access to more than 600 development indicators with time series for 208 countries from 1960. Can select multiple variables to create exportable reports, charts or maps. Go to the "Data" tab in the left column. You can look at "key indicators" for country or region