On this page
Copyright tools and forms
Fair dealing and using copyrighted works
Copyright and Teaching Infographic
Explains how much of a work can be copied for teaching purposes under SFU's Fair Dealing Policy and the Copyright Act's exceptions for educational institutions. Also available as plain text.
Copyright Decision Tree
Provides steps to determine whether you can use a copyright protected work in the way you would like to, both for teaching and for other purposes. Use this in conjunction with the Copyright Information Graphic above and other information on this website. Also available as plain text.
Fair Dealing Statement
When reproducing material for your classes under fair dealing, please include the following statement:
This item has been copied under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act as enumerated in SFU Appendix R30.04A - Application of Fair Dealing under Policy R30.04. You may not distribute, e-mail or otherwise communicate these materials to any other person.
Using fair dealing in creating and adapting Open Educational Resources (OER)
Provides guidance for the use of fair dealing to include content in an OER.
Materials created by instructors: Copyright, sharing, and re-use
Sample copyright statement for your course syllabus
Provides text for instructors wanting to inform students of their copyright rights and responsibilities, specifically relating to use and sharing of the instructor's teaching materials.
Requesting the removal of your teaching materials from tutoring websites
The Copyright Office can assist you if your teaching materials have been uploaded to websites such as Course Hero and StuDocu without your permission.
Departmental Re-use of Educational Resources
A Memorandum of Agreement to be used and modified by instructors and departments who want a more formal agreement covering the sharing and re-use of educational materials developed by an instructor.
Provenance Document for Tracking Changes to Educational Resources
If two or more colleagues wish to share teaching materials, it is important to keep track of contributions, changes, and permissions. Please use this provenance document as a place to record all of this information.
Your (Copy)Rights as a Teaching Assistant
Outlines copyright considerations for TAs, including your rights and responsibilities when creating and co-creating teaching materials. Also available as plain text.
Copyright for students
Copyright for SFU Students tutorial in Canvas
This tutorial introduces students to copyright and how it affects their course work. It describes options for including third-party material in assignments and presentations, including applying fair dealing and other Copyright Act provisions, requesting permission from copyright owners, and finding openly-licensed and copyright-free material. The tutorial also explains students' rights as owners of copyright in their papers and other works, and limits on what students can do with instructors' teaching materials. This tutorial is available for importing into any course from the Canvas Commons. In the Canvas Commons, search for the tutorial by title (Copyright for SFU Students) and follow the instructions here to import it.
Note: the tutorial was last updated in September 2024 -- please import it again to make sure you're using the latest version.
More resources and information
Canadian Public Domain Flowchart
A visual tool by the Copyright Office at the University of Alberta (2023, licensed CC BY) to help determine when the copyright term for a work expires, the work enters the public domain in Canada and it can be used freely (within Canada) without permission or payment of royalties.
Technological Protection Measures (TPM) Fact Sheet
Describes what technological protection measures are and their copyright implications.
Copyright and 3D Printing
Provides guidelines for creating your own 3D printing designs and objects, or using others' 3D files to print objects.
Copyright workshop videos and slides
Copyright Workshop Videos by the Copyright Office
These videos are based on our faculty workshops, and include Copyright Basics (an introduction to the basic elements of copyright law in Canada), and Teaching and Copyright (a two-part look at finding and sharing material in your courses). Note: these videos have not been updated to reflect the 2022 change to the general copyright term in Canada. See this FAQ for details.
Copyright in the Classroom workshop for instructors slides by the Copyright Office.
These slides are from our regular workshops for instructors, and provide an overview of copyright and key provisions for teaching.
Copyright in the Virtual Classroom by the Copyright Office
These slides (and version with detailed notes) were developed to support instructors teaching remotely during COVID-19. Note: these slides have not been updated to reflect the 2022 change to the general copyright term in Canada. See this FAQ for details.
Copyright for SFU TAs by the Copyright Office
This Canvas tutorial introduces Teaching Assistants to copyright guidelines for finding and sharing material in your courses, as well as your own rights when you create teaching materials and when you collaborate with other instructors.
About Creative Commons Licenses workshop slides by the Copyright Office.
SFU copyright management information
SFU Copyright Policies, including the Fair Dealing Policy
Informing you of the University's and your responsibilities regarding copyright and your work (as a student, instructor or staff member) at SFU.
SFU Copyright in Teaching Survey
Describes the purpose and process of this copyright statistics survey, which will be sent to a small random sample of instructors using Canvas each fall and spring semester. The survey is anonymous, and helps the Copyright Office understand how copyright protected materials are being used by instructors.
SFU copyright resources
Electronic Collection Information for Librarians and Faculty (SFU Library)
Describes the suitability of certain non-journal electronic resources for use on Library Reserves. The Library subscribes to, or owns outright, myriad non-journal electronic resources. Search for them by format using the "Find Databases by database title and description" search box at Journal Articles & Databases. These resources can be linked to in course listings, electronic reserves, course websites and the learning management system. Additionally, terms of use information for journals and article indexes and databases licensed by the SFU Library can be viewed via the Electronic Journals listing and the Journal Articles & Databases links. Descriptions specify the allowable terms of use to copy material for use in electronic reserves, course packs and interlibrary loan.
Making Readings Available to Students (SFU Library)
Describes several different ways to make required and supplementary readings available to students and suggests the benefits and cautions associated with each option.
The SFU Copyright Clearance Fund
This fund provides support to instructors needing to copy a small number of course readings that exceed fair dealing.
Mysterious and perplexing SFU Copyright Office posters
Information about this SFU Copyright Office campaign using magic show posters in the public domain, created by SFU Library Communications.
Text versions of infographics
Full-text versions of the infographics above.
Copyright and Teaching Infographic (text version)
Copyright Decision Tree (text version)
Your (Copy)rights as a Teaching Assistant (text version)