On this page
Welcome to the SFU Library!
Non-credit students and instructors are welcome to access and borrow materials from the Library's collections, and to use Library facilities (with some exceptions).
For topics not covered here, and for help finding Library materials and resources, search our site or ask a staff member.
Non credit students may attend open-enrollment workshops delivered by the Student Learning Commons with instructor permission. Requests to develop instruction for non-credit courses or programs are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Library cards and borrowing materials
Non-credit students and faculty are entitled to a library card at no charge during the time they are taking (or teaching) their class(es).
For more details on borrowing privileges, including making requests and loan periods, see borrowing library materials for non-credit students.
To get your library card, bring proof of course registration to the Loans or Circulation desk at any of the three SFU campuses.
To get your Library card, come to the Loans desk at the Library.
Library computers
Logging in to Library computers
In order to use Library computers you need one of the following:
- the computing ID issued by your instructor or program, or,
- a guest ID and password, available from the Loans counter at any SFU Library
Instructors who are on payroll can get a computing ID and password from their department.
See How and where do I print in the library? for information about printing, including printer locations and printing accounts.
If you have further questions about printing, take a look at the Student Printing Services guide or contact SFU's IT Services.
SFU wireless (wifi) access
The library does not provide WiFi access. Please contact your non-credit program area for information about accessing WiFi.
Non-credit instructors
See IT Services' Wireless guide for simple instructions on how to set up WiFi on your device.
If you need more help to set up WiFi on your device, contact SFU's IT Services.
Find and access journal articles, books, media
Search the Library Catalogue to locate journal articles, books, media, and other online and print resources.
Sign in to access the Library Catalogue and licensed online resources
You may access library databases either in the library or by remote access for the duration of the course
To log into the SFU catalogue, choose "Non-credit & externals" and log in with your SFU library card barcode and password.
See Why should I sign into the Library Catalogue? How do I sign into the Library Catalogue? for more information on how to sign in, and the features that are available once you have signed in.
Requesting books from other SFU campuses
If you find a book in the Catalogue that is located at another SFU campus library, you can request it (or place a hold on it) and request for it to be transferred to your preferred SFU Library location.
Research help
For help searching the Catalogue, locating resources for your topic, or if you would like additional tips on research skills, ask a Librarian.
Non-credit students may not:
- Request Interlibrary Loans (materials from non-SFU libraries)
- Book group study rooms
- Use consultation services offered by SFU's Student Learning Commons.