If you are a mature student beginning or returning to university, several strategies can help you manage your time and contribute to good grades. You may not have taken math or written exams for several years. Your essay-writing skills may be buried in your brain somewhere. As well, you are probably balancing living independently, family responsibilities, paid work, and all the other responsibilities adults manage. Although you know it will be worth it in the long run, going to university puts short-term strain on your brain, your time, your finances, and your workload.
What to do? Read on.
Ease into university slowly
Sometimes people are overly ambitious in what they take on. They think they can still work full time and take three or four courses, for example, which is too much. Then they beat themselves up about not managing time properly when in fact they are managing time as well as can be expected. If possible, during the first semester take one course if you are working full-time. Get to know the campus, university policies, and reorganize your life. Get to know the campus and university policies, and reorganize your life. Learn the language of academic life (see the “University Glossary” at https://www.sfu.ca/students/advising-resources/university-glossary.html%20/)
Assess your learning needs and course requirements
Take advantage of the learning and writing resources, workshops, and consultations offered by the Student Learning Commons.
Get to know other students in your courses
and build a network so you can form study groups and exchange study techniques. Becoming actively involved in university will enrich your life and make your adjustment to university easier.
Learn about university resources
such as Academic Advising, the gym, Financial Services, Health and Counseling Services, computer labs, clubs and student unions, transportation options, and other support services. Exercise and access other services on campus or remotely to save time.
Make good use of the library and other workspaces on campus
Doing schoolwork on campus allows a clear separation of home and university; many students do all their homework there before they go home. Distractions are minimized and the work is done within a time frame.
Make a plan
After you have decided your course of study, determine which course(s) you will take each semester and fit your university education into your life. Use physical or virtual time management tools. Post your mid-terms, assignment due dates, and other scheduled activities on a monthly basis. See the ebb and flow of your month and spread out the work; make contingency plans. Include your family and work activities. Break assignments into small steps and schedule weekly work.
Consider taking online or blended courses
to help work school around your other commitments. However, be aware that you should plan to spend a minimum of three hours per credit per week on your course(s).
Enlist support from everyone
First, your family needs to know of your additional commitments and your home responsibilities may need to be reworked. You may need to arrange childcare. Other family members, even small children, need to see some benefit from having less time with you. Plan special events or rewards to help them feel part of your new journey. You may spend more money on prepared meals and your home may not be as neat. Your family, friends, and employer should know your schedule – putting it on display will help others respect your time and deadlines.
Keep the lines of communication open with your employer
Your employer may help by arranging time off during exams or other busy times at school. If your degree is relevant to your employer’s goals, your employer may even be willing to subsidize your tuition.
If necessary, refresh your knowledge of the basics of your fields of study
before the first day of class through podcasts, videos, generative AI, webpages, or introductory books.
Keep up with your reading
Learn reading techniques and squeeze bits of time from your day. Break down your learning and memorizing into small bites. Carving out adequate study time is important and this can be done early in the morning or in the evenings when things are generally quieter, or during your lunch break at work.
Get help early
Talk to your professor or Teaching Assistant. Attend all the tutorials or hire a tutor if necessary. Make use of technology to help your learning.
Reward yourself
on a regular basis and take time out daily for some peaceful reflection.