Feminism From Around the World

This guide provides assistance with finding scholarly books and articles on feminism from around the world.  The selected list of reference sources are a good place to start for overviews of feminist topics. 

The article databases will provide access to scholarly articles and you may also wish to consult the Primary Sources for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (GSWS) guide to obtain primary sources.

The extensive section on "finding books" on feminism from around the world provides examples of "search strategies", along with highlighting "books on feminism by geographic regions."

Along with documents from United Nations, you may also wish to use the Google's "custom" search engine to find documents from governments around the world.

Contact info

For Library research help, please contact Moninder Lalli, Librarian for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies by email moninder_lalli@sfu.ca or Ask a librarian.

Research process

Start Your Research Here -- This page gives you an overview of the research process, or in other words how to find materials for your essay.

Selected reference books

For more, try the side tab, Background information

Find journal articles

The article databases will provide access to scholarly articles and you may also wish to consult the Primary Sources for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (GSWS) guide to obtain primary sources.

Search for journal articles on your topic using the databases, below.  For tips on search techniques, please consult: How to find journal articles guide. Use the "Get@SFU" icon will to find copies of articles which are not full-text within the database or to request the article through an inter-library loan request.

  • Women's Studies International -- For issues related to gender, sexuality and women's studies
  • Academic Search Premier. Multidisciplinary index to academic & popular journals. 
  • ProQuest Sociology Collection - for issues related to class, gender, racism, sexuality and sexism and theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and policy science. Other major topics include: migration, refugees, societal structures, and immigrants

For a more complete list of databases, try: Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies databases

Find books

This section provides examples of "search strategies", along with highlighting "books on feminism by geographic regions."

The Library Catalogue provides access to books, journal articles, videos, government documents and much more.  To limit the search results to "books", use the filter (left-hand column in search results) to "resource type" of "books."

Library Catalogue search guide

Search the SFU Library Catalogue, either the Basic or the Advanced search

Note: In the searches below, search results have been limited to "Online Resources only" and "Resource type" of "Books". You can further limit by using "Subject" (left-hand column)

Books by an author

Catalogue Search / Browse then change "Title" to "Author" and enter the name of your author (Last name, First name), for example:

Books about an author

Catalogue Search / Browse then change "Title" to "Subject" and enter the name of your author (Last name, First name), for example:

Search strategies to find books by topic

For each concept about your topic, write down synonyms or related words.  Below, are examples on how to combine different concepts:

Combine different concepts using AND
Combine same concepts using OR
Use quotation marks to search for a phrase
Use brackets for synonyms
Use asterisk (*) for different endings of words
Use pulldown menu and select, "Source Types" as "Books"
Note:  For Catalogue Search, when combining concepts, use CAPITAL letters ( "OR", "AND")

If you have found one book that is particularly relevant to your research, but need more, search that book in the library catalogue and use the subject headings associated with that book!

Selected books - feminism around the world

Africa and the Middle East

Asia, Central Asia, East Asia and South Asia


Latin and South America

Western (Europe, North America, United Kingdom)

World (global, transnational) and other topics

Subject headings to find books

Examples of subject headings (below) will provide a starting point for finding books on feminism and feminists of different parts of the world. The list below is not comprehensive, but the examples provide clues as to how to structure your search. 

Catalogue Search / Browse then change "Title" to "Subject" and enter your subject term, for example:

Government documents, international

Along with documents from United Nations, you may also wish to use the Google search engine to find documents from governments around the world.

  • United Nations

  • Google custom search for government publications

    • IGO Search
      International governmental organizations (IGOs) are organizations made up of more than one national government—examples include NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the WHO (World Heath Organization). 
      Example: "gender gap"
    • Search for documents from a particular country's domain.  The example below is for India, with country code of ".in"
        Web country codes

      site:.in  intitle:(sex* OR porn*) intitle:(laws OR regulations)

Feminist theory websites

Selected journals

Library guides

Writing help

See the Student Learning Commons for expert and friendly help with academic writing, learning, and study strategies.