On this page
This guide lists selected print and electronic information sources on special topics in Gerontology which are available to SFU faculty, students, and staff. Check the Library Catalogue to find additional materials at the SFU Library, as well as the Gerontology Course Guides for additional sources. If you do not find what you need, contact Nina Smart, the Liaison Librarian for Gerontology, .
Alzheimer's disease
- Alzheimer Society of Canada
- Canadian Study of Health and Aging study of the epidemiology of dementia in Canada
- Dementia Information Government of BC, with links
United States
- Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR) From the U.S. National Institute on Aging (NIA)
- Alzforum "Scientific community dedicated to understanding Alzheimer's disease and related disorders", including AlzGene "field synopsis of Genetic Association studies in AD"
- Alzheimer's Association (U.S.) Including information for researchers, caregivers and people with Alzheimer's
- Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine
- Nun Study Dr. Snowdon's work on aging and Alzheimer's
- Encyclopedia of Alzheimer's disease [online and print]
- The handbook of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias [online or print]
- Handbook of dementia: psychological, neurological, and psychiatric perspectives [online]
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
Elder abuse
- Elder Abuse (Public Health Agency of Canada) Covers a range of topics relating to abuse of older adults
- British Columbia Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN)
- Seniors First BC including Fact Sheets
- CNPEA Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)
- Aging, ageism and abuse: moving from awareness to action [online or print]
- Elder abuse detection and intervention: a collaborative approach [online or print]
- Elder Mistreatment: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation in an Aging America [online or print]
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
Health and health promotion
- Achieving health for all: a framework for health promotion Classic (1986) publication from Health Canada
- BC Regional Health Authorities and Senior Health sections from: Fraser Health; Interior Health; Northern Health; Vancouver Coastal Health; and Vancouver Island Health
- Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA) includes links on research as well as exercise programs
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) including the Institute of Aging
- Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) "Provides essential data and analysis on Canada’s health system and the health of Canadians"
- Healthy Aging Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US)
- Aging & Seniors Public Health Agency of Canada
See also: Nutrition and Aging (GERO 407)
- Encyclopedia of health and aging [online or print]
- Ebersole and Hess' gerontological nursing & healthy aging [print]
- The Gale encyclopedia of senior health : a guide for seniors and their caregivers [online or print]
- Health promotion and aging : practical applications for health professionals (online or print]
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
Housing and built environment
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Association (CMHC) including:
- Assisted Living Registrar BC Ministry of Health
- Housing Market Information Portal Statistics from CMHC - of interest is Seniors' Rental Housing section
- BC Housing - Seniors
- BC Seniors Living Association Including a membership directory
- Planning for Your Care Needs: Help in Selecting a Residential Care Facility B.C Ministry of Health
- Housing for Older Canadians Government of Canada
- Housing Services and Seniors Housing Directory of BC Senior Services Society (BC)
- SeniorGuidance.org American housing listings by state; includes articles and overviews of states and cities
- Retiring Abroad Government of Canada
- Housing decisions in later life [online or print]
- Universal design handbook [online or print]
- Guide to Canadian healthcare facilities [print] Facilities listed by province, then by town or city.
Codes include L = Long term care centre and R = Retirement home/resource centre
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
Browse ejournals:
Older learners
- Road Scholar "Adventures in lifelong learning"
- University of the Third Age (UK) "A self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment"
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
- Older people -- Education
- Adult education (very broad)
Older workers and Retirement
- Age Discrimination and the Employment Rights of Elderly Canadian Immigrants Law Commission of Canada
- The Health and Retirement Study (HRS)"Longitudinal Study of Health, Retirement, and Aging" sponsored by the National Institute on Aging
- Older Workers: Policies of Other Nations to Increase Labor Force Participation Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate
- Income Security and Stability During Retirement in Canada (Statistics Canada)
- Center on Aging & Work at Boston College Boston College (US)
Canada's retirement income programs: a statistical overview [online or print]
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
- Age and employment
- Older people -- employment
- Retirement
- Canada Pension Plan
- Old age pensions
- Pensions
Psychology of aging
- Aging and Mental Health CMHA Toronto
- Adult Development and Aging American Psychological Association
- APA handbook of clinical geropsychology [print]
- Handbook of assessment in clinical gerontology [online or print]
- Handbook of geriatric assessment [online or print]
- Handbook of the psychology of aging [online or print]
See also: Gero 409 Mental Health and Aging course page
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
Seniors information
- American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) "A nonprofit, nonpartisan national organization dedicated to enriching the experience of aging; membership is open to people age 50 or older"
- Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal (CBAC) "to address the specific needs of Montreal’s Black native-born and West Indian/Caribbean Anglophone seniors"
- HealthAging.org (US) Health information for seniors
- CARP Canadian Association of Retired Persons
- Service Canada Government of Canada
- Seniors BC including their BC Seniors' Guide "benefits, health, lifestyle, housing, transportation, finances, safety and security, and other services"
- Enquiry BC "For contacting the provincial program, service or person that you need to speak to"
- Alliance for Aging Research (US) "dedicated to accelerating the pace of scientific discoveries and their application to vastly improve the universal human experience of aging and health."
- SeniorNet (US) "To provide older adults education for and access to computer technologies to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom"
- Times Goes By "What it's really like to get older"; this elderblog also links to other seniors blogs
Social and sociological issues
- Report on the Social Isolation of Seniors National Seniors Council
- Promising approaches to reducing loneliness and isolation in later life (UK) Part of AgeUK's Campaign to End Loneliness
- Research on Aging, Policies, and Practice (RAPP) University of Alberta - fact sheets covering caregiving and other research briefs
- Handbook of aging and the social sciences [online or print] Reviews research in topics such as diversity and heterogeneity, pensions, leisure and time use, geographic distribution and migration, and illness.
- A history of old age [print]
- Understanding communication and aging : developing knowledge and awareness [print]
- Ageing and diversity : multiple pathways and cultural migrations [print]
- Decoding the cultural stereotypes about aging : new perspectives on aging talk and aging issues [print]
- Critical issues in social work with older people [print]
See also: individual GERO course pages, such as Sociolcolgy of Aging (SA 420), and Death and Dying (GERO 406)
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
- Aging -- Social Aspects
- Older People -- Services for
- Social Work with Older people
- Caregivers
- Death
- Aging in Literature
- Minority Older People
- Old Age in Literature
- Older People in... (Advertising, Mass Media, etc.)
- Older People on Television
Technology and aging
- AGE-WELL (Canada )Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement, and Long Life
- Tong Louie Living Lab (SFU) Research projects "to assist elderly, disabled persons and health care workers to perform assorted daily living and work activities safely and independently."
- Trace Center (University of Maryland) technology and disability research
See also: Technology and Aging (GERO 830 course page)
For books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as:
- Older people -- Care -- Technological innovations
- Older People -- Services For -- Technological Innovations
- Assistive computer technology
- Gerontology -- Technological innovations
- Geriatrics -- Technological innovations
Women and aging
- North American Menopause Society (NAMS) "Nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the health and quality of life of all women during midlife and beyond"
- Older Women's League (OWL) US "The voice of midlife and older women"
- Red Hat Society "The international society dedicated to reshaping the way women are viewed in today's culture"
- Senior Women from Statistics Canada publication Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report
- Women's Studies International Journal article database of citations and abstracts from classic works and core studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research.
Sample subject terms: Aging; Retirement; Financial planning
- Women ageing: changing identities, challenging myths [online or print]
- Women as they age [online or print]
For more books on the subject, search the SFU catalogue under subjects such as: