Citation styles
The preferred style for citing sources in electrical and computing engineering is the IEEE style.
- IEEE Reference Guide (47 pages): how to cite a variety of references in IEEE style
- IEEE Mathematics Guide (17 pages): how mathematical equations should be rendered in a technical article
- CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool: a tool by CAS to find abbreviated journal titles
The preferred style for citing sources in mechanical engineering is the ASME style.
Other Style Guides: APA, Chicago, MLA
Citing in LaTeX
See the BibTeX, LaTex, and Overleaf guide.
Reference managers
Introduction to reference management software
Reference/citation management software helps you organize the information sources that you find and automates the process of creating your bibliography. Many reference management software packages are available, each of them with their own strengths and weaknesses. Below are two commonly used reference managers:
It should be noted that SFU Library supports Zotero. Refer to the guide for details.
Avoiding plagiarism
SFU library guide:
IEEE guidelines:
ASME guidelines:
Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated text:
- IEEE - Guidelines for AI-generated Text
- ASME follows COPE's recommendations - Authorship and AI tools
NEW: Best Engineering Paper winners (McGill University, Communication in Engineering course)
Literature Reviews in the Applied Sciences
Selected books on technical writing:
- Technical writing for engineering professionals
- Writing for science and engineering: papers, presentations and reports [print]
- An engineer's guide to technical communication [print]
- A guide to writing as an engineer [print or online]
- Technical writing: a practical guide for engineers and scientists [print]
Writing support
The Library's Student Learning Commons offers a wide range of workshops, consultations, and self-guided instructional tools for both undergraduate and graduate students.
For Graduate Student workshops and services, check out the Library's Graduate Research Commons.