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Books & articles
Search the Library Catalogue using keywords for your subject area or topic, together with the suggested keywords below.
For example: autism AND teacher | autism AND (handbook OR "study and teaching")
Suggested keywords: teacher | handbook | "Study and teaching"
For books about teaching & learning by SFU authors, search for "SFU Faculty publication".
For guidance on finding Indigenous authors, scholars, or publishers, please view "Finding Indigenous voices: Approaches for discovering Indigenous scholars and authors".
Article databases
ERIC [search tips]
A comprehensive Education database, covering education research and practice. Includes journal articles, conference papers, curriculum guides, lesson plans, theses and dissertations and more.
Education Source
A comprehensive Education database, covering all levels of education from early childhood to higher education as well as multilingual education, health education and testing. Includes journals, books, conference papers, book reviews and educational tests.
Teaching demonstrations
Education in Video
A collection of online videos for training and developing teachers - teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.
Evidence-based learning practices in K-12 schools, and core strategies and key topics in action.
Contains thousands of television shows, radio programs, teacher guides, and K-12 curriculum connections, from CBC.
= Openly accessible resources. SFU login not required. These resources may be reused, but check the resource's permissions about altering or revising materials
= Requires SFU login; may be used for non-commercial educational purposes, including in your practicum classrooms