Telebook: Delivery of Library books and materials to your home

What is Telebook?

Telebook is an SFU Library service that delivers library materials to your home -- free for eligible students and faculty.

Who is eligible?

  • Students taking SFU Distance Education courses (CODE)
  • Faculty and graduate students currently registered in the SFU Faculty of Education
  • Master of Publishing students during their internship semester
  • Students in the Executive MBA in Indigenous Business and Leadership
  • Students in courses where previous arrangements have been made between an academic department and the library. 
Note: When you make a Telebook request online, your eligibility will be confirmed through your SFU Computing ID or SFU Library Card barcode number. If you don't have a computing ID or barcode number, you are welcome to contact Telebook for assistance.

How Telebook works: Requesting, receiving, and returning materials

How to request the material(s)

  1. Sign in to the Library Catalogue with your computing id and password
  2. Search the Library Catalogue for the item
  3. Click on the title of the item and you will see an option to "Request item"
  4. Click on Request item and select "Telebook" as the pick-up location.

Note: If SFU Library does not have a book or an article that you need, you can request items from other libraries by Interlibrary Loan. Be sure to select the Pickup Location "Telebook." 

How you will receive the material(s)

  • Requests are handled in the order they are received. Allow plenty of time to avoid disappointment.
  • Books from SFU Library are mailed within 7 working days of the request. Allow another 1-2 weeks for the books to reach you via regular mail.
  • For items requested by interlibrary loan, add 1 to 4 weeks to the time required to fill the request. These items will have shorter loan periods and are delivered by courier.
  • Articles are sent to you electronically. Articles are yours to keep.

Returning the material(s)

  • Due date information is mailed with each book. You can renew materials online (as long as the items are not overdue).
  • Return items by mail using the package in which the item was received.
  • Attach the return address label with guaranteed prepaid postage included in the package.
  • If a book is recalled and you still have other books signed out, contact Telebook to request another return address label with guaranteed prepaid postage.
  • If you are near any of the three SFU libraries, you can also return books at the loans desk.
  • Overdue materials will result in fines and suspension of borrowing privileges. Contact Loans ( for help with fines.

Materials that can be requested

To addresses in Canada:

  • Books from SFU Library, including government publications and conference proceedings
  • Books from other libraries
  • Print theses held by SFU Library
  • DVDs and videos from the Bennett Library (from media collections and the Telebook collection)

To addresses worldwide:

  • Articles from SFU and other libraries
  • Short excerpts from books.
  • We regret that we cannot mail physical items to addresses outside Canada because of mailing costs and time that items would be in away from the Library.

Materials that cannot be delivered:

  • DVDs and videos from Fraser Library or Belzberg Library
  • Complete volumes of periodicals or magazines
  • Rare and valuable books
  • Books difficult and expensive to mail
  • Items with status "LIB USE ONLY"
  • Course reserve books

Note: Telebook reserves the right to limit the number of physical items and digital items provided.

Contact Telebook staff

For information about requesting items, or materials being mailed to you, contact Telebook staff:

  • Email (the preferred way)
  • Mail Telebook, WAC Bennett Library, 8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6