On this page
Try some of the dictionaries listed below, or search for others by searching the Library catalogue for the SUBJECT: Economics - Dictionaries.
- The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- Dictionary of Economics (Oxford, 2017)
- Elgar Dictionary of Economic Quotations
- Routledge Dictionary of Economics
- Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economics: Insights from Archival Research
- AmosWEB ECONOMIC GLOSS*arama (free online)
- Glossaries of Economics Terms in Principles
Background information
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Springer, 2019)
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Elgar, 2000, free version)
- Encyclopedia of Political Economy
- Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis
- Handbooks in Economics Series (dozens of ebooks each focused on a different aspect of economics: international migration, econometrics, natural resources, and much more)
- International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History
- Oxford Encyclopedia of Health economics
- Encyclopedia of Health Economics
- SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society
- Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies
- The Timetables of History: a Historical Linkage of People and Events [print]
If the sources listed below don't have what you need, try Browse Searching the Library Catalogue for the Subjects Economists - Biography or Economists. For individual biographies and discussions of a single person's theories, search for the person's name as a SUBJECT (e.g., Keynes, John Maynard).
- Biographical Dictionary of Women Economists
- Fifty Major Economists
- Great Economists Before Keynes: an Introduction to the Lives and Works of One Hundred Great Economists of the Past (This volume includes Keynes) [print]
- Great Economists Since Keynes: an Introduction to the Lives and Works of One Hundred Great Economists [print]
- Lives of the Laureates: Thirty-Two Nobel Economists (see also these earlier editions)
- Routledge Handbook of the History of Women's Economic Thought
- Ten Great Economists : from Marx to Keynes /Joseph A. Schumpeter
- The Making of Modern Economics: the Lives and Ideas of the Great Thinkers
- Who's Who in Economics — Provides brief information, principal contributions, and a list of publications