Forensic Science information resources

This guide lists selected forensic information sources available to SFU faculty, students, and staff. It provides supplementary information to the main Criminology Research Guide.

Forensic topic overviews

Encyclopedias are a great resource for gaining an overview of a topic before you delve into more specific research found in journal articles. They may also point you to key terminology, authors, and articles/books in your research area.

The above list is not comprehensive. See also Forensic Sciences--Encyclopedias. Or, try keyword searches in the Library Catalogue using the keywords encyclopedia + [your topic].


Browse FORENSICnetBASE, a collection of ebooks on many forensics topics such as arson & fire investigation, computer crime investigation, forensic pathology, and more.

Journal articles

Research Forensic Library  (Florida International University - created 2022)

Ebooks on forensic science, law enforcement, and criminal justice.

Web of Science
Search citations and abstracts for journal articles, conference proceedings, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Can also used for cited reference searches, and citation analysis of research.

Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
Covers all aspects of criminal justice, including psychological. Includes journal articles, books, government and non-government reports, magazines, newspapers, dissertations and unpublished papers.

Zoological Record plus Zoological Record Archive
Articles, magazines, books, and dissertations covering a wide range of subjects including biodiversity, conservation, environmental science, marine and freshwater biology, parasitology, and new laboratory and field techniques.

More Criminology databases

Help finding journal articles


Search in the Library Catalogue by these subject headings for books on statistical analysis for forensic scientists:

SFU Library Research Guide: Crime and Justice Statistics


Primal Pictures Interactive Anatomy
Primal Pictures is a detailed and accurate 3D model of human anatomy. The database contains rotatable 3D models of the human body and anatomical layers which may be stripped away. Also included are common pathologies.

The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education
A series of images demonstrating gross and microscopic pathological findings.

Associations and organizations

Association websites may provide conference proceedings, lists of essential readings on forensic topics, and accreditation requirements, amongst other helpful information.

There are too many organizations to list here; please review the American Academy of Forensic Science's list of organizations for many more specific organizations.

Government publications

There is unfortunately no single, centralized database that contains all Canadian (or US) government publications.  There are two key strategies for locating on-topic publications:

  1. Search a database that includes some government documents (even if not comprehensive)
  2. Search specific government departmental websites for publications


 Suggested databases for government-authored forensics information

Select departments

United States

Select Departments

If you need help, please contact Yolanda Koscielski, Liaison Librarian for Criminology, Psychology & Philosophy at or or Ask a librarian