On this page
Research Methodolodies
- The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2021)
- "A comprehensive survey of research methodologies and statistical techniques...both qualitative and quantitative approaches"
- Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO). Portal to research methodology.
Key Texts
- DSM-V-TR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Martin's Annual Criminal Code. Access via Westlaw Next Canada.
- Pocket Criminal Code [print]
- Oxford Bibliographies Online lists key readings on a wide range of specific Criminology topics. This is an excellent way to become immersed in your topic, including Criminology theories.
Encyclopedias will provide you with a foundational overview of your topic before you start researching more deeply, and entries may provide citations to seminal sources.
- Sage Knowledge -- multiple Criminology encyclopedias. Select "Criminology and Criminal Justice".
- Gale Virtual Reference Library -- many Criminology and Social Science encyclopedias. Note these specific Criminology resources -- Gale Criminology Subcollection
- The Oxford Encyclopedia of International Criminology (2022)
- Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences. 2nd ed (2013)
- Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (2014)
- Encyclopedia of Serial Killers (2006) [online and print]
- World of Forensic Science, 2nd ed. (2016)
- Encyclopedia of Community Policing and problem solving. (2013) [print]
- Encyclopedia of Police Science. 2 vols. [print]
- Encyclopedia of prisons and correctional facilities 2 vols. [online and print]